Just to clarify, I'm not suggesting that people "hate" their exes. I'm saying I see absolutely no reason to stay in contact with them (in any form) when you're married.
What if you had kids together?
What if you had kids together?
In this case there is no children involved but it's already been discussed that kids is a different story. You'd have to have some contact in that case.
Is it fair to say that all the people saying ''No, unacceptable'' are speaking from the POV of the current b/f, g/f, husband or wife of the person who is in contact with an ex?
What if it's your ex and you still like him/her, even if not romantically.
What if it's your ex and you still like him/her, even if not romantically.
what happens if they were friends with the ex before they even started dating you? are they supposed to stop all communication with their "friend" because of the new relationship?
I wouldn't want that to happen to me so I extend him the same respect.
Same thing. For me it's a matter of respect. I would never disrespect my wife like that.
There should be no reason to keep in touch with an ex unless you still have feelings for them. Once you have had sex with someone, it's very easy to have sex with them again. All of the angst and awkward uncertainty don't exist so you can just segway right back into it. If you're still on good enough terms to have a pleasant convo with, you obviously still have feelings for them.
Well, how old are you? Relationship experience comes from age and the amount of relationships you've been in, but also how in touch with your own emotions you are and knowing what you want.
It's kind of dumb to ask a yes no, black or white, answer to a poll question with obvious shades of gray.
Depends entirely on WHO the exes in question are.
We were here at one time. I stayed civil with my ex because of kids. Kids are out of school now so no reason to communicate now.Exactly, it would depend on a lot of things on how I'd answer.
In this case there is no children involved but it's already been discussed that kids is a different story. You'd have to have some contact in that case.
It's kind of dumb to ask a yes no, black or white, answer to a poll question with obvious shades of gray.
Depends entirely on WHO the exes in question are.
If I had an ex as a friend with no strings attached, like children, and it bothered my spouse the ex would be unfriended.Exactly, it would depend on a lot of things on how I'd answer.
Is it fair to say that all the people saying ''No, unacceptable'' are speaking from the POV of the current b/f, g/f, husband or wife of the person who is in contact with an ex?
What if it's your ex and you still like him/her, even if not romantically.