Kevin Feige's Star Wars Movie

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Jan 9, 2013
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In a shocking turn of events, The Hollywood Reporter has learned that Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige (Avengers: Endgame) is in the process of developing a brand new Star Wars movie with Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy (Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker).

Walt Disney Studios co-chairman and CCO Alan Horn confirmed the report and shared the following statement:

We are excited about the projects Kathy and the Lucasfilm team are working on, not only in terms of Star Wars but also Indiana Jones and reaching into other parts of the company including Children of Blood and Bone with Emma Watts and Fox. With the close of the Skywalker Saga, Kathy is pursuing a new era in Star Wars storytelling, and knowing what a die-hard fan Kevin is, it made sense for these two extraordinary producers to work on a Star Wars film together."

While further details remain under lock-and-key for now, some THR sources believe this may be a precursor to Feige taking on a larger role within Lucasfilm, while others seem to feel it's just business as usual and it was Feige's immense passion for the franchise that ultimately led him to partner up with Kennedy, who top Disney execs reaffirm will remain in her current position as president of Lucasfilm.

Additionally, it's strongly believed that Feige already has one major star lined up for a specific role in the new film if/when he makes the project becomes official.

Also, even though he may be exploring new territory, Feige is widely expected to remain as president of Marvel Studios for the foreseeable future, which is certainly good news for all.
Its about ****ing time if only they did this before Rian Johnson got his ugly mits on it and destroyed the franchise. He is going to have to build up the goodwill again which wont be an easy task especially considering they have already "killed the past" off in the most despicable manner possible. FU RIAN JOHNSON DISNEY SHOULD SUE YOU FOR RUINING STAR WARS WORLD WHICH IS AWESOME BTW BUT NOBODY CARES ANYMORE AFTER WHAT YOU DID. I HATE YOU LIKE ANAKIN HATES SAND YOU ARROGANT ****ING BASTARD. Atleast he killed his own career in the process he will never get another big blockbuster movie again, his career is done you will see. Hope all those low budget indy movies treat him well when he cannot find work
I fear for Indiana Jones. I wish they’d just leave that alone. SW is already so screwed up that at this point I couldn’t care less what they do with it. My only hope is that once in a while a Rogue One level movie makes it thru the slaughterhouse somehow.
Its about ****ing time if only they did this before Rian Johnson got his ugly mits on it and destroyed the franchise. He is going to have to build up the goodwill again which wont be an easy task especially considering they have already "killed the past" off in the most despicable manner possible. FU RIAN JOHNSON DISNEY SHOULD SUE YOU FOR RUINING STAR WARS WORLD WHICH IS AWESOME BTW BUT NOBODY CARES ANYMORE AFTER WHAT YOU DID. I HATE YOU LIKE ANAKIN HATES SAND YOU ARROGANT ****ING BASTARD. Atleast he killed his own career in the process he will never get another big blockbuster movie again, his career is done you will see. Hope all those low budget indy movies treat him well when he cannot find work
He has Knives Out coming to theaters, it's not a star wars size budget, but it's not a small budget either.

Im concerned, did you forget to take your meds? You sound very agitated

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I fear for Indiana Jones. I wish they’d just leave that alone. SW is already so screwed up that at this point I couldn’t care less what they do with it. My only hope is that once in a while a Rogue One level movie makes it thru the slaughterhouse somehow.

I hope its determined that Ford is just too old and if Disney does anything with it they choose to reboot with a new actor. At least I can compartmentalize a new rebooted Indy and disregard it if need be... but Ford will do even more damage to the legend by trying to crack that whip one more time.

If I told you in 2008 (when Crystal Skull came out) that Ford needed at least 12 more years before he should dawn the Fedora as Indy again you would think I'm insane.
He has Knives Out coming to theaters, it's not a star wars size budget, but it's not a small budget either.

Im concerned, did you forget to take your meds? You sound very agitated

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Knives out haven't heard of it, sounds like a response to all of his haters lol He prolly needs those knives these days he pissed off a lot of people. Its not about meds I just really don't like that guy. I liked one of his movies, that one with Bruce willis and Levit. My point is he is done with big blockbuster movies, he ****ed himself. Knives out may have a good RT scores I could a **** so did TLJ, critics can suck his **** all they want doesn't mean it will make money at the box office either or that he will have another big budget smash hit, it sounds like indy movie to me anyway, maybe that's his forte and where he shall remain. His sequel can be called Knives In
A Russo bros SW film starring Chris Evans could be good. Same for a prime Luke Skywalker movie starring The Winter Soldier actor as Luke. It would make people happy.
I hope its determined that Ford is just too old and if Disney does anything with it they choose to reboot with a new actor. At least I can compartmentalize a new rebooted Indy and disregard it if need be... but Ford will do even more damage to the legend by trying to crack that whip one more time.

If I told you in 2008 (when Crystal Skull came out) that Ford needed at least 12 more years before he should dawn the Fedora as Indy again you would think I'm insane.

Was it that long ago that Crystal Skull came out? Dang. Yeah, he was borderline too old to make it believable then. Adding 12 years to that just wouldn’t work. Some characters should live on only in a permanent state of youth.

If they choose a reboot then I could see that as being easier to disregard.
I fear for Indiana Jones. I wish they?d just leave that alone. SW is already so screwed up that at this point I couldn?t care less what they do with it. My only hope is that once in a while a Rogue One level movie makes it thru the slaughterhouse somehow.

RO and Solo feel like legitimate SW films because they respect and are even based on George's own canon. I feel like The Mandalorian will at least do the former, possibly even the latter given how closely Favreau and Filoni worked with Lucas on CW.

But Feige, the Russos, or literally anyone being announced as being the next pinch hitters in Disney's lineup just doesn't interest me at all. I'm sure that Feige will at least make better films than the ST, but I don't see myself caring.

Yes the PT suffered from too much of George's input. But to go so far in the opposite direction to the point of discarding even his very ideas was a greater offense IMO. Yes TLJ was a better film than AOTC but so what, lots of non-SW films are better than AOTC.

My only two requirements for new SW films is that they be at least as good as ROTJ (not a hard task) and that they don't betray what came before. RO and Solo fulfill those requirements in spades, the ST not so much.
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