Not sure why this thread took off so much. I guess those who have tried it ar enthusiastic because it tastes sooooo good. And those who haven't have made a stink about how gross it is.
Not sure why it has been so controversial.
As I have said before, this "sandwich" is on par with a million fast food items. Why all the talk about 'this makes me want to puke'?
I guess people are seeing it as a symbol or something. But it really is just fried chicken (a small white meat portion btw, and lots of people eat fried chicken) bacon (no more than you would get with breakfast in any resturant) and a couple pieces of cheese.
Haters: would you please explain why this bothers you so much. Skiman, if you're reading this, feel free to comment. I am genuinly trying to make sense of this.
Alot of us are foodies!

We've had several food threads here and they always seem to get locked up. I like talking about food because alot of times just talking about it keeps me from actually eating it.