Ki Adi Mundi: Jedi Master- Image Thread

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the wrist pegs won't fit will they?

I agree with you on the African American label too. No one call me a European/Native American American.
Ok, couldn't sleep and so I decided it was time to fix Mundi's height issue. Found a spare Buck and he now measures, from boots to the top of his head, just shy of 14 inches. Im nearly positive he won't go back in his box now but looks MUCH better and the tunic doesn't really seem to be short either. Im going to take pictures later showing Mundi on his new body vs the nude old body. It's about an inch difference but looks like it's more.
He commands more of a presence on the taller body, doesn't he? I was quite happy with him as the taller version.
He commands more of a presence on the taller body, doesn't he? I was quite happy with him as the taller version.

Aye, that he does. What's odd is that it really doesn't look that "off" either. Shirt still fits fine, doesnt look too short. Only thing I had to do was, as you said, snip his little socks.
Aye, that he does. What's odd is that it really doesn't look that "off" either. Shirt still fits fine, doesnt look too short. Only thing I had to do was, as you said, snip his little socks.

There were two other issues I had. Getting the pants over the calves of the Buck without tearing them and snipping away at the sides of the Buck's neck to add more poseablilty for his head. But he does look considerably better on a taller Buck.
I had ZERO problems getting his pants over the calves and I'm not really that concenred with head posability because mine just stand there.

Ki Adi Mundi PA is up
I've searched the web for pics of Ki with other Jedi and I can't find my copy of AotC. Does anyone have a screen cap of Ki in the arena or something? I'm trying to decide whether to move him to a standard size body. They must have put him on a small body because of the LFL reference to his size, but I'm not sure that's how he looks in the film, especially given the height of the actor.
I remember seeing some publicity stills with him and a few others.... I may have it on my computer at the office. I'll check tomorrow.
Another frame of reference would be to look at Viceroy Gunray. Carson also played him in Episode I...and possibly Episodes II and III as well, but I don't remember.
Another frame of reference would be to look at Viceroy Gunray. Carson also played him in Episode I...and possibly Episodes II and III as well, but I don't remember.

He could have been wearing lifts though for another character. However if there's a pic with Obi-wan or Qui-gon it might be a start.