Unless someone gets to it first, I can take care of you tomorrow Dave. I'm pretty sure Ki-Adi's in the big wide shot at the end of Phantom Menace, with Obi-Wan and Mace present for comparison.
All I could find:
I guess he isn't as tall as we all thought.
and the back row is on a step.
Side note, that Yoda puppet is the one thing that I hold against the prequels.
Nothing wrong with him as a puppet, they just went too extreme with his "youth"
You can mock the TPM Yoda all you want, but Dinosaurs was a classic.
Maybe so, but to create Yoda on par with those characters was pretty lame.
Well, i didn't mind him being younger looking, but the way they tried to achieve just looks too different from what he becomes, even if age had taken a tole. AOTC and ROTS look less worn than ESB/ROTJ but still look like him. TPM should be a big younger version of the AOTC look.
Ya, I'm just busting, I grew up watching that show, admittedly own the DVDs, but I agree, the presentation of Yoda in TPM didn't come off as well as the OT puppet or the CGI PT Yoda, just something off to him, maybe not having done it for almost 20 years or something.
and the back row is on a step.
I think the puppet sucked. I don't care if they made him look too young or what, he just plain sucked. Yoda in the OT (especially in ESB) made you believe he was a living thing with wisdom to impart.
Yoda in TPM looked like he belonged in that dumb Dinosaurs show.
Just a terrible puppet.
That paragraph doesn't make any sense...Who's on first?!