Fed Ex van pulled up. I go out to the van to see box lay on bottom of pallet on it's side with other boxes on top. Driver digs out the box and hands it to me, box pushed in at the sides
Anyways, I tentatively open the brown shipper to see corner pads intact along with art box un scathed and proceeded to check contents!
Pulling the inner styrofoam case out I see there is a chunk sticking out against the sealing tape. Something has obviously broken methinks

Slowly cut around the tape and open the box.......Kier foot has pushed the chunk of styro out, but no damage!
I take each piece out and checked it over and all is well. Then, after assembling I get to admire the beauty and intricate detailing of this Fallen Valkyrie for myself. Well worth the wait and the cost. The sword alone is a real piece for study; full metal blade and handle shaped from the female warrior form holding a skull. Brilliant