So I read on another forum that the TV type seems to effect this film also... What type of TV do you have Jye??? What are the brightness settings..
That last pic you took would satisfy me...
Seriously I watch the Special features and I get excited by the action.. I watch the film and I get anxious because I feel like I am missing so much.
Settings are meaningless from one tv to another, even at home I have IPS and VA panels, rear and edge lit, all which require seperate calibration techniques.
What I always tell home theater enthusiasts is to use settings that you find most pleasing to your eyes then forget about it and enjoy the movie.
I own a Panasonic Plasma, Samsung and Vizio LED, no projector.
Keep the smooth motion off for film and blast the backlight on animated movies to make them pop!
Nerd out!
Love my Panasonic plasma!
Yeah I have always been happy with my setting and picture quality... Except when I watch G14.
Last night I did something that for whatever reason I never did before... I went to one of the other pre made channels and changed the settings all around. Now my PC channel is all calibrated and set for Godzilla 14
G14 now gets his own personal channel and settingsCould not be for a better guy
Looks very close to Special features now.
Looks very close to Special features now.
Didn't see the theatrical. I know they wanted dark but I think the levels in the trailers of and special features keeps a good darkness while making more detail visible.
I hear ya, I also prefer the brighter encode but i'm just making a point that I don't think there was a conspiracy behind the bluray encode, the movie was that dark in the theater.
But more importantly back to you not seeing this in the theater!
Of all the Kong movies I've always thought that the "wedding" scene from 1976 was the best.
They should've given the skull dude 3 eyes on each side, then I would've been happy!
View attachment 330476
Agreed, the build up to Kong's reveal between the visuals and Barry's music was just great. One thing I dislike about the original '33 is how in closeup shots, Kong looks like a funny cartoon character when it would be better for him to look like a threatening monster.