Renner has "timeless appeal?"![]()

He meant ****ages have timeless appeal.
Renner has "timeless appeal?"![]()
I'd get lost in the crowd now if I didn't do it.![]()
Jesus that's a lot of people. One of the major issues I think is that, despite the findings from that "study," these people often seem to start out in that industry because they have issues. Low self esteem, and physical and sexual abuse as a child (I recall Howard Stern asking porn stars on his show if they were sexually abused as children and they usually seemed to say that they were). Then, they get into a career where they are degraded and treated like objects whose only value is providing physical pleasure for others. They use drugs and alcohol to make it through the day. One day, they no longer have physical appeal, and then what? It just seems like a tragic existence. I'm sure there are some exceptions, but I think that Youtube video speaks volumes. I would be interested in a legitimate study on this issue though, because I have no idea if my thoughts are biased. But seeing a study with obvious conflicts of interest isn't going to change my mind.
It's a lot of people, but there are more suicides and drug/alcohol related deaths from dentists and cops. It's all a matter of perspective.
Well that's why I'm interested in a legitimate study. An absolute number doesn't tell us much. You need to know the denominator (# suicides and substance abuse-related deaths/total number of people in the profession). I suspect that, in general, it is higher for porn stars than dentists or cops. There are probably more cops doing that because there are just more cops out there. But I don't know.It's a lot of people, but there are more suicides and drug/alcohol related deaths from dentists and cops. It's all a matter of perspective.
Well that's why I'm interested in a legitimate study. An absolute number doesn't tell us much. You need to know the denominator (# suicides and substance abuse-related deaths/total number of people in the profession). I suspect that, in general, it is higher for porn stars than dentists or cops. There are probably more cops doing that because there are just more cops out there. But I don't know.
And even in the porn world, much of what we know about are the more successful actors/actresses. There is, I'm sure, a seedier underbelly where there is a higher rate of bad outcomes than you get among those who are super successful and are able to regulate how much work they get, have control over rights to sell their videos, etc.
OK, then. Show me the article where they compare dentists and cops with porn stars on those indicators, and I will admit you are right.
Your suspicions would be misplaced. There've been studies done. Cops and dentists were at the top. I don't even think porn was in the top 10.![]()
Nam is correct in the rankings he is referring to--they survey suicides within the profession (so, among doctors, X% commit suicide vs. the general population rate of Y%). The problem is that porn stars A) aren't going to be treated as a legitimate profession that a federal entity is going to spend time and money investigating [both probably due to the nature of the profession and due to the relatively small number of people in the profession]; and B) even if they did would have a harder time getting an accurate response rate back from surveys. So, I think a study would need to be done on the porn industry independent of these kinds of studies to really understand the issue, but the studies that are apparently out there are dubious.I wonder how that is relative to the amount of people working those fields.
there are probably a hell of a lot more cops or dentists than porn stars. a lot more I mean there are a lot of doctors and cops.
Nam is correct in the rankings he is referring to--they survey suicides within the profession (so, among doctors, X% commit suicide vs. the general population rate of Y%). The problem is that porn stars A) aren't going to be treated as a legitimate profession that a federal entity is going to spend time and money investigating [both probably due to the nature of the profession and due to the relatively small number of people in the profession]; and B) even if they did would have a harder time getting an accurate response rate back from surveys. So, I think a study would need to be done on the porn industry independent of these kinds of studies to really understand the issue, but the studies that are apparently out there are dubious.
Well I'm sure that private practitioners in rural communities and members of giant hospitals in major cities are included in the doctor measures they use, that are averaged together. Then you've got all kinds of doctors, from psychiatrists, to pediatricians, to oncologists, and everything in-between. So I don't think the variety of behaviors in that profession is the problem. . .the problem is, with porn, I don't think anyone is looking, and I don't think the industry wants to be looked at seriously. So all we have is speculation. We could know, but we would need serious objective study by researchers who didn't receive funding from either Oral Roberts University or United Porn Health Systems or whatever it is, and who were willing to fight against entrenched interests from both sides who had agendas to promote. Until then, all of us are going to have our biases filtering the information we receive. And after that point, of course, most of us still will.
Well it's just that black and white, isn't it?