Yea I guess I don't get it.Why - I'm not doing anything against the law. And there have been plenty of pot related pictures posted here before (in this very thread).
This is just another example of you not really getting it![]()
Yea I guess I don't get it.Why - I'm not doing anything against the law. And there have been plenty of pot related pictures posted here before (in this very thread).
This is just another example of you not really getting it![]()
That's kind of a generalization, eh?
It is possible to enjoy marijuana or alcohol without abusing it, or any real harm (moreso the marijuana than the alcohol IMO).
On the growing weed theory, it's already being proven wrong here in California. Medical users are allowed to grow weed (I can legally grow it if I want to according to my license), but the official dispensaries are where the business is at. Most growers now sell to the dispensaries instead of individual customers. At my local place, you go in and chose from usually over 20 different types of marijuana and hash. People are lazy and like being able to choose different stuff. The dispensaries actually compete with each other price-wise, I can actually get much better weed cheaper now than when I was buying $60 8th's illegaly.
I'm thinking times are much different now than back when you were in high school.
quit being a douche. people like you make me wish your parents used contraceptives.
Its not being 'proven wrong' at all because the legalized marijuana market hasn't been established. If marijuana is legalized it will be heavily taxed and regulated just like cigarettes and alcohol so the price you currently pay will no longer apply. The pricing structure will be completely different. Everyone likes to pay less for the things they want, which is why Walmart is so successful. The market now and what it would turn into are apples and oranges.
There is a trend in this thread to point out and demonize the abuse of alcohol but pot use is only being discussed in terms of moderate and 'responsible' use, as if it won't be abused. If it is more readily accessible it will be used by more people which, even if the rates of abuse stay the same, means more people overall will abuse it. Once something is legalized it is always used more. The numbers of cigarette sales dropped when the minimum age was raised. The number of alcohol related traffic deaths declined after the drinking age was raised, and the number of abortions increased after it was made legal without a drop in the birth rate.
There is all this discussion about 'responsible use', and we have admissions of driving under the influence, underage drinking, illegal drug use, misuse of medical marijuana, purchasing controlled substances, etc etc, so in other words breaking the law is being responsible? There is such a thing as moderate use of drugs and moderate use of alcohol, but every single drunk driving incident is an example of the flip side, the irresponsible behavior.
There is also a lot of discussion about 'it hasn't affected me' and that can't be known because if you are the guy that has always used it, you don't know if life would have been different without it.
And Celtic, look at your posts. You say that your parents trust you to be responsible but wouldn't approve of you smoking weed. So what you're really saying is that you don't deserve their trust because you are engaging in behavior they wouldn't consider responsible. Since the use of weed is illegal it is by definition irresponsible of you. And I'm sorry to be condescending but your 17. Thats like laying in the sun for 10 minutes and claiming too much sun can't give you skin cancer. I've been down the road you're on and it doesn't go well. I had a girlfriend break up with me because I wasn't exciting enough so I started hanging with the bad crowd. It got me stabbed in a gang fight in Vineland, transporting drugs across state lines that could have gotten me some serious time, thrown in jail and beat up by the cops before we were released, a dislocated shoulder, a broken nose and cost me $800 in one night when a girlfriend left me for a coke dealer.
I'm not being self righteous, I'm being realistic. It would be nice if people would use everything in moderation, but thats not reality. Its human nature to go to excess and abuse. We already have one monster in the room with alcohol, do we really need another?
exactly. for every research study that proves a point there are two or three others that prove it wrong.
You really should remove this pic as I don't think the site owners would appreciate it very much.
Hey whether you like it or not for the majority of Americans, drugs are still illegal. If the owners of this site are ok with the picture then who am I to say something. I just know that people have incriminated themselves and lost jobs by pictures that they have posted on the internet. Do you think an employer with a no drugs policy would hire someone if during a background check they found them toking on a bowl on my-space or facebook? Just the other week a teacher lost her job because she was posing with a gun on the internet.Oh my stars and garters
Do you guys ever sleep
I'm closing my participation in the thread with a Jerry Springer thought.
Ultimately the choice to use drugs (not just weed) is an individual one. People's reasoning ranges from "that is what kids do" or "it is my choice", which is fine for each situation. Contrary to popular belief, it is not what all kids do nor it is something everyone in the country indulges. Perhaps everyone in your inner circle participates in such behavior but society and the world is much bigger than your slice of the pie.
The problem is not the drug of choice but human behavior. Human behavior dictates people will challenge rules, it began with Adam and Eve. Add drugs to human behavior and the chance for irresponsible actions esculates. A point proven by past / present users admitting to irresponsible behavior while on drugs (not just weed). They were lucking not to hurt themselves or better yet someone else.
Feel free to label me a righteous @sshole, but the reality is I am a husband, father, brother and a friend. I adore my wife and I love my children, my family is my life. It takes one time for an individual to be irresponsible and my life changed. That is unacceptable. I have witnessed first-hand (EMT) the consequences from wreckless actions and how it impacts and changes lives.
Users will use, haters will hate....just remember we are all here for the love of collecting. Remember, take care of yourself and one another.
Until next time............![]()
Ultimately the choice to use drugs (not just weed) is an individual one. People's reasoning ranges from "that is what kids do" or "it is my choice", which is fine for each situation. Contrary to popular belief, it is not what all kids do nor it is something everyone in the country indulges. Perhaps everyone in your inner circle participates in such behavior but society and the world is much bigger than your slice of the pie.
Well you guys can all do what you wanna (I honestly don't care), but I am glad my only addiction is 1:6 lovelyness.![]()
Well you guys can all do what you wanna (I honestly don't care), but I am glad my only addiction is 1:6 lovelyness.![]()
Yeah mon, the only truth is that human nature is the gateway and there are some people who will go kicking and screaming before they will point the finger at the all mighty individual. They point at movies, race, circumstance, fashion... anything but the actual source. Not counting severe mental problems. I decided to smoke weed. I decided I wouldn't drink. I decided to try acid, and then try it again, and then again before I decided it didn't really do enough for me to warrant the risk that it's legalities would bring, though it was pleasent. The Mushrooms I tried on a few occasions were a dissapointment all around, I don't like anything that makes me feel even slightly bad the next day. The feeling, focus, relaxation, introspection, outrospection, inbetweenrospection, zing, conversations, etc I get with weed I found suited my personality above all else and after I tried it, alcohol just didn't have a point to it anymore.