Pass Da Joint
Super Freak
You smokers should come to Nimbin with me...Australia's Amsterdam.
Police have the power to ____ anyone's life who is caught growing, selling, or possessing significant amounts. They have the power to impose penalties, by force, on anyone who does not comply with the law. Not voting for legalization implies tacit support, and that is how everything you said amounts to an advocacy of force against people who choose to engage in behavior that you disagree with.
YOu couldn't be more wrong.
I smoke everyday and have not been in trouble for it.
The people who are "casual users" are doing stupid ____ like taking "blunt rides" and smoking in their cars because they don't want others to know they do it.
I have seen far more "casual users" get arrested for having a gram or less in their possesion then I know people who have supplied it to me that have not gotten in trouble.
No its fact, thats why decriminalizing possesion of less then an ounce would save so many cities so much money.
No its fact, thats why decriminalizing possesion of less then an ounce would save so many cities so much money.
your right that it would save cities a lot of money, but seeing as I have known a lot of people that smoke or used to and never got busted, hardly fact..........the trick is to never even put yourself in a situation to ever get caught or even ever come near popo![]()
well, my dispensary charged me taxes last week so it looks like we are one step closer, the feeling about the ballot this november is pretty good.
i am a little skeptical about it going throught he first time though, usually "controversial" bills take a couple of times but cal is so hard up for money right now that it very well could go through. it would also lighten up our jails as well.
absolutely, but this is my point. I've smoked for a long time now and am constantly around new people smoking on campus in Philly at Drexel and Temple, Penn, and Rowan, I see ALOT of people smoking.
The ones who do it everyday, have their supply at their place, it never moves because they are smart enough to not go out and do something stupid.
The ones who don't, get excited and scared, they don't want to let others know they are doing this scary illegal thing, they don't want mommy and daddy to find out and stop paying tuition, so they drive around in their car with a joint or blunt and get busted.
I've seen it happen a hundred times and it happens every episode of cops. People with a small little joint. Cops aren't busting into people's homes. THey are pulling peole over and finding it. Thats when they arrest you. Not at a party.
That is why certain D.A.s are pushing for the decrim. of under an ounce and so few are pushing for full legalization.
For clarity, I wasn't saying that pot should be illegal because of my opinions of my friends. I was just saying that it appeared to me that they are an unmotivated people. I actually have mixed feelings about it becoming legalized and I no longer smoke- haven't in many years. But yes, I did used to so don't be hating and calling me a noob, Keith!![]()
I do drink and am careful to not drive under the influence. It does concern me that with pot legalized there would be even more DUIs. And I don't care what anyone says, they can't possibly drive better stoned. All ya gotta do is throw a balled-up paper napkin at a stoner and watch them not catch it...
I have been watching this thread for a while now and I have yet to read a post with an intelligent, clearly thought out reason for legalizing marijuana.
I want to be able to smoke dope legally. But I need to read some REAL valid reasoning.
Are you legalization supporters gonna come up with something solid?
I have been watching this thread for a while now and I have yet to read a post with an intelligent, clearly thought out reason for legalizing marijuana.
I want to be able to smoke dope legally. But I need to read some REAL valid reasoning.
Are you legalization supporters gonna come up with something solid?
For clarity, I wasn't saying that pot should be illegal because of my opinions of my friends. I was just saying that it appeared to me that they are an unmotivated people. I actually have mixed feelings about it becoming legalized and I no longer smoke- haven't in many years. But yes, I did used to so don't be hating and calling me a noob, Keith!![]()
I do drink and am careful to not drive under the influence. It does concern me that with pot legalized there would be even more DUIs. And I don't care what anyone says, they can't possibly drive better stoned. All ya gotta do is throw a balled-up paper napkin at a stoner and watch them not catch it...