Legalizing Marijuana

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Medical use of marijuana is all but legal now. I would not argue it's medical use any more than I would argue the medical use of strong pain killers. But those strong pain killers are not legal for the general public to use at their discretion either. If the marijuana can do the same thing as other medically beneficial drugs without negative side effects...I am cool with that...but that is still under controlled circumstances.

yes but asparin is available to the general public so are sleeping pills. but as my paragraph also stated there are other benefits of the plant besides medical. it's a strong and durable rope, paper, clothes, so and so on.

I have a medical Script for it so ultimately the legalization will only effect how i get it, so i'm not saying legalize it because i want to get my hands on some but because there are greater benefits then the tobacco and alcohol that we already have legal.

:lol I haven't even thought of that! :lol

Nah man....I'm drug free, cuz it's the way to be......

and becuz they do random drug screening at my job. :/

ah, there it is.......
Lets be honest. If you live Cali do you really think most of the people with a script for "medical" reasons really has it for that? People go to the doctor they write them the script. :lol

I don't know the numbers, but I am aware that this happens. It is hard to have an opinion on it with my current dilemma. I would like marijuana to be legal...but I think it would be a big mistake.
Taxes aside, you could cripple the Mexican drugwars overnight.

As I mentioned before. This is absolutely wrong thinking. There will still be a demand for illegal marijuana from the U.S. AND from other countries where the demand is high as well.

agreed it's the wrong thinking but for a different reason. the mexican caretl makes most of their money off cocaine and heroin so really you'd only be servering a limb but still it's something.

I would like to see the proof where Amsterdam having legal marijuana is causing problems in the rest of the world. I'm sure california having legal marijuana is not going to as big a problem as the fear mongerers would like you to believe.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I see no downside to just making it legal. Tax it and go on. See my thread about the drunk driver. LOL! _______s will be _______s. But that's just my humble opinion. If you drive like an ass you better hope I'm not behind you. :rock
I don't even care about the safety concerns all that much. Its the general idea that the people most likely to buy, use, and abuse pot seems to me to be a select demographic that can least afford to be wasting their money on this stuff and are least prepared to handle another distraction in their life.

In essence the income the government will make on it is in a form of a "regressive tax" which will most likely have to be reimbursed back to those people in the form of increased welfare, which will raise the taxes of everyone else.

Seriously, what would stop people from literally smoking up their welfare checks? Especially under the current administration's agendas. They know their health care is covered, their electricity is covered, their food is covered. So they just use any cash on hand for pot. :lol
I don't even care about the safety concerns all that much. Its the general idea that the people most likely to buy, use, and abuse pot seems to me to be a select demographic that can least afford to be wasting their money on this stuff and are least prepared to handle another distraction in their life.

In essence the income the government will make on it is in a form of a "regressive tax" which will most likely have to be reimbursed back to those people in the form of increased welfare, which will raise the taxes of everyone else.

but the people who you're talking about already get it, i don't really see how it being legal would change anything in regards to the type of people you are talking about.

The top marijuana-producing state could raise $1.3 billion annually, according to the California Board of Equalization, which collects taxes. that's just one state!
Does anyone know whats the most populace country that legalizes pot?
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yes but asparin is available to the general public so are sleeping pills. but as my paragraph also stated there are other benefits of the plant besides medical. it's a strong and durable rope, paper, clothes, so and so on.

I have a medical Script for it so ultimately the legalization will only effect how i get it, so i'm not saying legalize it because i want to get my hands on some but because there are greater benefits then the tobacco and alcohol that we already have legal.

ah, there it is.......'re not trying to group aspirin and nytol with Morphine and Valium, are you?

Edit - Also...tobacco and alcohols are not very good supporting examples considering how grotequely they are abused.
Does anyone know whats the populace country that legalizes pot?

There is not a single country that has legalized least not that I am aware of.

Edit - And that includes the list that was posted in this thread some time ago. The poster linked an article that he claimed showed a bunch of countries had legalized it but what the article said was that those countries either lightend the punishment or stopped going after users to aim at the dealers. There was no legalizing done.
but the people who you're talking about already get it, i don't really see how it being legal would change anything in regards to the type of people you are talking about.

The top marijuana-producing state could raise $1.3 billion annually, according to the California Board of Equalization, which collects taxes. that's just one state!

SOME people already get it. I certainly won't deny that. But there are hoops to jump through to do it. Many people don't do it because of the hoops. Many people don't do it because they view "illegal" things as taboo. Also people don't use if its too expensive.

So you remove the hoops by opening "drug stores" and you remove the taboo by making it legal and you reduce prices (through competition) use exponentially goes up.

There will be miriads of new users and current users will increase usage.
i just don't see it, believe me getting pot in california is really easy i could get you a script right now. you're look at it from the outside so you don't really know how easy it is. also a lot more people use than you think.
i was just stating "there's the real reason" but with less words.

well of course, but that still not causing the types of problems being alluded to earlier.

I'm PRO on legalizing it....becuz I do think it is beneficial to our economy, and but I do understand the concern of having a bunch of freaking pot heads every where!

I many say, there are some that can control them selves but there are some idiots out there that just abuse it to much and fry there brains out causing stupidness (those are the annoying ones).....

Side note: I'm definetly gonna get me some Space Cake when I go to Amsterdam. :D