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possibly though i'm not really talking about playing live or anything but writing specifically, i'm just more open to ideas i guess. but on a side note when i worked in a studio doing engineering it was not a good idea to be stoned, mixes always sounded like crap the next day.
So assuming one can produce greatness with weed (which I don't believe for a second), how is that different from an athlete who produces "greatness" with steroids? Pretty sad if you can only get to that zone by taking a drug.
possibly though i'm not really talking about playing live or anything but writing specifically, i'm just more open to ideas i guess. but on a side note when i worked in a studio doing engineering it was not a good idea to be stoned, mixes always sounded like crap the next day.

Yeah that was primarily what I was driving at. Still I think if you need to put chemicals in your brain to "get there" (if you know what I mean) something doesn't add up because you should be able to get there intuitively and perhaps such dependence now will lead to using it as a crutch down the road? I think if one enjoys pot smoking for it's own appreciation (like a wine connoisseur for example) that's one thing... but if you are saying the drug is good because it makes you more open to ideas then there is just something wrong and it's just plain justification. Alcoholic writers, poets and musicians have all been saying the same thing for centuries and it if you look at their lives it leads to nowhere but the gutter or an early death and as John Lennon said "how stupid is it to have on your tombstone 'He died that we might rock'?"
i don't think that's true, it's just going places your mind wouldn't go to on it's own. Music is littered with groups that were awesome when they were messed up but the minute they were sober really sucked. do i think it should be a crutch? no, but what's the big deal if you can go somewhere you wouldn't have before.

don't get me wrong though there are plenty of bands that made horrible drug albums as well, like anything you have to know how to use drugs as a tool and not just a self indulgent agent.
like anything you have to know how to use drugs as a tool and not just a self indulgent agent.

and thats the trick isn't it? Because you never know which type of user you will be until you try. If you aren't, amen to your life.

as I added to my previous post: Alcoholic writers, poets and musicians have all been saying the same thing for centuries and it if you look at their lives it leads to nowhere but the gutter or an early death and as John Lennon said "how stupid is it to have on your tombstone 'He died that we might rock'?"
Weed is not the same as steriods.

Weed has helped more people then any other substance.

If I didnt smoke when I did, I wouldnt have chilled out. I became more relaxed around people, more willing to be myself. I was insanly shy before it. Now I can be that way without any substance whatsoever.
If I didnt smoke when I did, I wouldnt have chilled out. I became more relaxed around people, more willing to be myself. I was insanly shy before it. Now I can be that way without any substance whatsoever.

Wez is greatful. :naughty :lol :banana
Weed is not the same as steriods.

Weed has helped more people then any other substance.

If I didnt smoke when I did, I wouldnt have chilled out. I became more relaxed around people, more willing to be myself. I was insanly shy before it. Now I can be that way without any substance whatsoever.

You are mistaking what I am saying. I have no problem if you wanna smoke. I too believe that pot is a lesser drug when compared to alcohol and the legality of the plant is treated pretty stupidly in government.

My point is to wave a banner saying "Pot will turn you into a better musician" is as stupid as the guy who said "Pot makes you a better driver".
You are mistaking what I am saying. I have no problem if you wanna smoke. I too believe that pot is a lesser drug when compared to alcohol and the legality of the plant is treated pretty stupidly in government.

My point is to wave a banner saying "Pot will turn you into a better musician" is as stupid as the guy who said "Pot makes you a better driver".

i wasn't really saying that, i was just saying that it definately helped a lot of bands out there.
It's this quote I am talking about: See, I think drugs have done some good things for us, I really do. And if you don’t believe drugs have done good things for us, do me a Favor: go home tonight and take all your albums, all your tapes, and all your cd’s and burn em’. 'Cause you know what? The musicians who’ve made all that great music that’s enhanced your lives throughout the years...
Rrrrrrrrrrrrreal f------g high on drugs

I know there are some people who can do things responsibly. Some people can't drive sober let alone drunk. But for the 1 guy who uses it "responsibly" (remembering at the moment it is illegal so I am not sure to say you are a responsible user is not an oxymoron) there are 9 people who hear a quote like that and get hit by trains, get pregnant by the guy who got hit by the train, light the crotches on fire, or just end up living with their parents the rest of their lives.
that was a quote by bill hicks he was a comedian, really funny comedian. you can say that i'm a resposible user i have a perscription so i'm totally legal. oh and that guy who was hit by a train (the dude from the Mentors) was a moron and if you ever listened to his "music" you'd be glad that he was hit by a train, drugs did us a great service there.
yeah that really happened. he was the guy in the Kurt and Courtney doc that said courtney was going to give him money to kill kurt.

he was one of those GG Allen type guys who wrote songs about raping under age girls and crap like that. hated that guy.
Oh yeah. I remember seeing that. The guy who looked like a mexican wrestler with the $20 video budget. :lol