Legendary Pictures' GODZILLA - !!SPOILERS!!

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They should have the GMK tease. He's dead/blown up/nuked but the end credit scene has his still beating heart beneath the ocean. BOOM cue the i f u kube music :panic:

I loved that ending. For that style of movie and character of Godzilla, that ending made sense for that film and as a metaphor for the entire series. You'll never stop Godzilla or keep him down.

In a literal sense the beating heart definitely was saying he'd grow back. The spirits will summon him to rise again some say. He was like an avatar.

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Yeah, I was thinking like Wolverine or Cell (from dbz) if theres any smal piece of him left it will regenerate fully back into Godzilla. But I dunno maybe it'll just be a crazy living heart, rolling around smushing people :lol


But yeah I'm pretty sure Godzilla would create a new body as time went on. I can't recall at the moment, but did GMK Godzilla regenerate from 1954? He did, right? I always wondered, during the flashback scene where the General was a child, if the Godzilla that attacked in '54 looked like GMK Godzilla or still looked like Gojira the original. And if he looked different, when he regenerated again in the future, how much more of a badass would he look?
Mecha, did you hear the one about where Baragon walked into a bar and tells the bartender he just ate a bullet train, bartender tells him to lay off the fast food.

Ha Ha Ha
Ha Ha Ha

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Yeah, about 60 days from now, we'll all be in line for the midnight showings.
Wow, biggest teeth shown so far, nice!

And the videogame, holy crap, I wasn't aware a game was made (of course it was).

He looks great in that game screen, I'm buying that even if it sucks. :lol