LEGO Star Wars

Collector Freaks Forum

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I just realized Jabba is holding his pipe upside down. Gotta fix that when I get home. :monkey4
Trying to stay away from ships. We'll see. :lol

I don't know if there was anything aside from the Rancor set I posted earlier.

I've done the opposite and tried to stay away from playsets. :lol Not that it's kept me from picking them up here and there.... The wife bought me that little Ewok set for Father's day and I grabbed the Wampa cave when it was on clearance.... I also love those little troop builder sets, but more often than not I build them, display them, then pack the little structures or vehicles away and just display the figures.

Is it just me or is Lego fever catching on umungst us freaks?

I need a y-wing....
How old is she, Richard? Gabriel is almost 4 now... He asks if we can take sets apart and put them back together. :lol

She turned 8 in June. Hopefully she enjoys putting them together so I can use her as an excuse to get more. :lol
I also love those little troop builder sets, but more often than not I build them, display them, then pack the little structures or vehicles away and just display the figures.

I do the same. I pull the figs out of the boxes and leave the rest. :lol

Is it just me or is Lego fever catching on umungst us freaks?

I know I'm hooked.
It helps that I can justify a $20-50 set of LEGOs with 4 figs over a $200 sixth scale, though. :lol
I have a fever!!!! I may open up all my box sets........ok no I won't. Not yet. I may open up one of my little battle packs. :lol :lol
They day you open up your sets is the day one of us win the lotto. :lol

I want to be there when it happens, btw.
I will invite both you and Waller to my house. We can look at all the sets (most of them complete sets starting from 2006) and then open them up!!!! Oh, and I guess your kids can come too. :lol :lol :lol
I know what Max will do....he'll rip the heads/helmets off and toss them everywhere. Better to leave him at home. :lol