Legolas Image Thread

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just got all the gear on my legolas. he looks so friggin' bad ass with the cloak and quiver on. at this particular moment, he may have displaced the chopper predator as my number 1 on my 'favorite' list. the elven cloak is a super addition to this piece and sideshow has to know they would make a fortune if they would sell them individually or something. great figure.
Per request here is another pic.


can someone take a pic of the quiver and how it attaches together?
Captain Aldeggon said:
I've just been playing around with the elven cloak and have decided that it is one of the best accessories we have (too nice for an exclusive perhaps, but I digress). The pattern is extremely subtle and looks fabulous in the 1/6 scale, and it's thin enough to drape just perfectly over their shoulders, under their packs, or in any other way you choose to pose them. The hood is just the right size, and up or down it looks incredibly natural with very little adjustment required to make it sit well.....

Pictures, sir! Those of us waiting must have pictures!
I get some of my best posing ideas from folks here...not to mention tips on how to deal with all of the different accessories...
I don't have a camera, so I can never post pictures here (and I can't afford to get one in case you are wondering), but here's how to put on the quiver:

place the quiver so that the back is away from you. Take the long cord that extends from the brooch, where there are three connections; only one is not attached to the quiver. Put Legolas' left arm and put it through the two which connect to the quiver. You can then take the last cord and bring it over his chest towards the bottom left of the quiver. Legolas should be facing you with the quiver almost on. Now take the little cord which is attached to the bottom left of the quiver, at the base of the knives. Tie that cord with the one you brought over his chest, and make sure it is tied until it is taut. Adjust as you will and he should look fine.

Again, I wish I had pictures but I can barely even afford enough to eat this week. Otherwise I'd have more pictures here than you could shake a stick at (which is a shame since I love art photography and I wish I could contribute some beautiful pictures. Oh well!).
I still don't like the changes to the jaw. I hope he looks a lot better in person. I should find out tomorrow.
These figures don't look that great in the box, regardless of how nice these boxes really are. It's when you take them out and gear them up and pose them, that they come alive. Same thing happened to my Aragorn. It was when I had him on the shelf, all set up, that he won me over big-time.
I've received mine and I like this figure alot.

However, it is the exclusive and I'm trying to figure out how Legolas' quiver is tied while he's wearing his elven cloak. In pictures it looks as if there is a hole where the lower strap would go through, underneath the cloak, like this...


And not go around the cloak like this shows...


I'm debating whether or not I should put a small hole in his cloak so I can achieve the look from the film. I'm watching The Fellowship of the Ring and Two Towers for reference right now.
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Captain Aldeggon said:
Now take the little cord which is attached to the bottom left of the quiver, at the base of the knives. Tie that cord with the one you brought over his chest, and make sure it is tied until it is taut. Adjust as you will and he should look fine.

OK, quick note here: there is a metal hook at the base of the quiver and a small hole on the end of that one loose strap -- the strap is meant to be attached to the hook. You do not tie the strap. Hunt around and you will see the little metal hook. If you tie those straps you risk snapping them. Also, as further proof, there are hanging straps on each side of the quiver that are meant to be left hanging. Check out the prod pics.

Just wanted to warn people before someone snapped their strap. :)
Oh ok I see it now--but it doesn't seem very secure when I do it that way; I may do a combo of both to keep the cord strong and the quiver in place both at once.
Mine should be here Thursday, HOPEFULLY Wdnesday! I'm probably gonna pop in the trilogy again before then or at least the Fellowship. I'm really excited and it looks like I won't have to touch a thing, at least as far as his face goes. I really think he looks great!
It's funny, when I had Aragorn displayed on his own or with the SW dudes, he always seemed out of place and awkward, but with Legolas by his side, he's one of the most beautiful pieces I have ever enjoyed. I think that's going to be a hallmark of the LOTR 1/6 line; they are going to make the most elegant 1/6 display ever, if only because they are so harmonious when displayed together. Some of the other lines look good but seem to have a few odd ducks here and there, but the few LOTR figures we have look SO GOOD together! It's unreal!

Plus all the girls who come to my apartment to chill can't get enough of the two--I had forgotten what chick magnets Aragorn and Legolas were until girls started coming by just to stare at them!
NSFolsom said:
I'm debating whether or not I should put a small hole in his cloak so I can achieve the look from the film. I'm watching The Fellowship of the Ring and Two Towers for reference right now.

I don't know....
I kinda dig the cape sort of tied back like that. Gives his arms room to draw and shoot without all that material getting in the way. Holes in cloth is a tricky proposition, because as the strap moves around and shifts, it could tear the hole bigger. Then where would you be?

Mine arrives today!! For once, I'm actually glad I got the DiD version, which came with a Lothlorien bow! My Leggy's gettin' an upgrade!:woo
Just got him. Nothing anyone has said even comes close to truly encompassing the awesomeness of this figure. Legolas makes me weep for the wait between releases. I'm officially hooked on this line and it's inherent greatness.

In short, he's astounding.
Well not that I don't trust people, but it's comforting to know that people who often share my opinions on these figures are finding this to be worth it. Mikey, I had an Exclusive Wait List conversion and I held out for final in hand judgement, do you think I'll be greatful for my conversion when he arrives on Wednesday?
Customikey said:
Just got him. Nothing anyone has said even comes close to truly encompassing the awesomeness of this figure. Legolas makes me weep for the wait between releases. I'm officially hooked on this line and it's inherent greatness.

In short, he's astounding.

Totally agree Mikey, one of the top 5 figures SSC ever made IMO...