Wow, the likeness of Orlando Bloom as Legolas is amazing. They really got that serious look he had during battle. This may be the maquette I am most looking forward to.
Another one of Trevor's great sculpts. To date he done Aragorn, Boromir, Arwen, and this one.I keep asking him if SS's appraoched him to do the headsculpts of Faramir and Eomer word yet.
Thank you Josh for the photos. These shots are making me even more excited to get this in hand! I think I picked a very good time to start expanding my LOTR collection!
Because of my limited space, I think Arwen will be the first maquette I have to pass on. I'm also not sure Faramir will find a place in my collection. Eomer, on the other hand, could be a tough one for me to pass on - especially if Trevor sculpts it!