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Yeah, I do agree with you that those frames should have been thinner.

Is there any way people who do not like the hat - maybe make a new one or buy a different one seperately ? Btw, is it the fabric that makes the hat too big in your opinion ?

Well , I've been looking for a hat for years. Always typing in " 1/6 hat " or " 1/6 beanie " on ebay , bought some but never found anything I've thought looked right. I've never seen a Leon custom which I thought had the perfect hat also so for now the search continues.
Maybe we could get someone to make one for us on here , especially since so many with the Enterbay Leon would probably like a more accurate one.

As for the problems with the Enterbay hat. It's probably a combination of both the fabric being a little to thick and also simply Leon's hat being very trick to make in this scale. With all the figures I've seen over the years the hats are either to thin or to thick.

From this :


To this :


I havent seen the hat "in person" yet...But, I was wondering if you cut it down alittle, and then folded up the sides to remake the "brim"...Would that make it look better, getting rid of some of the excess fabric?...I have a loose one ordered, and Ive been wondering myself how to make it look better...

Well , I've been looking for a hat for years. Always typing in " 1/6 hat " or " 1/6 beanie " on ebay , bought some but never found anything I've thought looked right. I've never seen a Leon custom which I thought had the perfect hat also so for now the search continues.
Maybe we could get someone to make one for us on here , especially since so many with the Enterbay Leon would probably like a more accurate one.

As for the problems with the Enterbay hat. It's probably a combination of both the fabric being a little to thick and also simply Leon's hat being very trick to make in this scale. With all the figures I've seen over the years the hats are either to thin or to thick.

From this :


To this :



Yikes :lol Thank God for Enterbay!
Yikes :lol Thank God for Enterbay!

Well to his defense, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

But i totally understand his point of view. He had to make a custom starting when there were no parts available. No Leon of any kind. Everything was parts of this scraps of that, hunting down headsculpts, hats glasses coats some custom made or custom painted when unavailable. Then the no-brand Leon came and had more parts to use.

No matter how much better the sculpt clothes and everything else Enterbay comes out with, it will never match his custom figure, because of the time, patientce, and effort he put into his.

But yes, for me, Thank God for Enterbay too.
Well to his defense, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

But i totally understand his point of view. He had to make a custom starting when there were no parts available. No Leon of any kind. Everything was parts of this scraps of that, hunting down headsculpts, hats glasses coats some custom made or custom painted when unavailable. Then the no-brand Leon came and had more parts to use.

No matter how much better the sculpt clothes and everything else Enterbay comes out with, it will never match his custom figure, because of the time, patientce, and effort he put into his.

But yes, for me, Thank God for Enterbay too.

His custom is fantastic, but the I was laughing at the first figure picture in general :lol
Is this how the custom head sculpt looks like without the sun glasses ?

Is this how the custom head sculpt looks like without the sun glasses ?[/CENTER]

Yes id very much like to see some closeup shots of the sculpt of your custom Leon usmhicks, Im really intrigued to see what Teddy considers a 'better' likeness to 'Reno' as Leon than Rovojin's sculpt of Reno and EB's paint... and please make them without the glasses...
Yes id very much like to see some closeup shots of the sculpt of your custom Leon usmhicks, Im really intrigued to see what Teddy considers a 'better' likeness to 'Reno' as Leon than Rovojin's sculpt of Reno and EB's paint... and please make them without the glasses...

Yeah I really want to see the sculpt to :)
SERIOUSLY cant wait to get this figure. Looks almost perfect IMO.
Im going to try and make my own hat by sculpting one then casting it in soft plastic. I think thats the only way to get the hat to look just right...only downside is that it wont be real fabric.
None of those customs are mine , when I started I had help from a guy called mindbook who still has the best looking Leon figure to date so mine never looked bad thankfully. His figure made Enterbay's look crap and my own look crap imo. Whilst the sculpt isn't refined as Enterbay's over all it just looks better to me , the side view looks like a real guy.
His photobucket is set to private but being the Leon nerd I am I still knew a link to find these images so I hope he doesn't mind me posting and sharing them.


His painting technique is incredible. I offered to buy his Leon twice but he was a busy guy and despite his amazing talent didn't seem to get much time on the forum. He's not been on here since 2010 or I'm sure he'd be posting in this thread also. Here's his Stansfield sculpt also , I hope he gets to finish this one day !.


Is this how the custom head sculpt looks like without the sun glasses ?


No !. :lol I wouldn't use that , I'd rather have him headless. :rotfl

Yes id very much like to see some closeup shots of the sculpt of your custom Leon usmhicks, Im really intrigued to see what Teddy considers a 'better' likeness to 'Reno' as Leon than Rovojin's sculpt of Reno and EB's paint... and please make them without the glasses...

Well, personally I think there are two sculpts I'd consider better than Enterbays at the moment. One being Feng's which some prefer and some don't.


and the other being my own which probably no one will prefer as it's a very old dragon sculpt which was repainted by FMLes years ago and he captured so much emotion with it I've never found anything I've prefered despite owning the one above and many other Reno sculpts.
Like " Stanlore " said I probably put so much heart into my custom even if something does look better to the masses I'll still probably prefer my own. It does look very good though for it's time and Les managed to pull one hell of a likeness out of it.
I'll have a look through my old photobucket account but I'm not sure I have any decent photo's of the sculpt anymore.

Ah , here's one from a while ago.



Ignore the clothing as it's all different now , that's how my custom looked at it's worse. Remember this was painted years ago and sculpted even longer ago. Also I've not said once my custom was better than the Enterbay figure so that's not what I'm saying now, I was just amazed the day I got that sculpt and I've never been happier with anything since.

If I can find an Enterbay sculpt for £30.00 or under I'll be buying one to get it repainted also and either using it for a SWAT custom or putting it on my figure and using my sculpt now for that.

Here's a quick comparison shot , hope you don't mind me using your photo mate. Let me know if you do and I'll take it down.


Yeah I really want to see the sculpt to :)

Haha , when I have my camera's memory card I never need to take any photos and now everyone in here wants photo's.
Looking at that picture I think with a repaint the Enterbay sculpt could look terrific!

At the moment it looks average but I think there is a great sculpt hiding beneath that sub par paint job!

The eye direction is sending it way off IMO and the beard does not resemble Leons but I think with somebody like Kuato repainting this it could look amazing
I agree Teddy , I'm getting tempted to buy the head loose now.:lol

By the way I'd like to mention that in this photo...


Mindbook appears to have made the perfect hat so it is indeed possible. Now who wants to make us all one !?. :lol
Enterbay's Leon sculpt is bang on in hand. Photos just don't do it justice. Those customs don't come close...Enterbay's hat is abit suspect though...
Well to be fair we could say that about all of them.

It's true what you say. I can't judge the customs because I don't have them in hand...





You know the one from mindbook looks really good and you can easily see reno in that sculpt.Also,the paintjob really helps the sculpt stand out but the Feng job is a FAIL for me.IMO he kinda resembles the guy who play Borat a little and that's a little too much for me!:lolI just got the Enterbay Leon today and believe it or not PICS. don't do the head sculpt justice.Granted the head needs a little more detail but that's a paint issue.This is my first Enterbay piece so i was very leary about getting this especially with Enterbays record but this figure is AWESOME!Leon stands proudly amongst all the bad boys from Hot Toys!:yess:I'll try to post some PICS. of him later on.Oh,by the way,your figure looks GREAT and if your happy with the end result well thats all that matters!:wink1: