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Hey Raymond,

Speaking of Leon's shirt that you have plans to fix. Do you know where I could get a three button t-shirt with very light material ? I wanted to get something like this - but without the lines in the fabric (and without any yellow stains that this shirt is supposed to have...).


I have been searching on eBay and googled, but no luck other than this one - but the seller on eBay is not very cooperative....
Did a chop job on the hat... might give it another go someday but by in large a huge improvement... now so i sand and thin the arms of the glasses? unsure...


That looks insane! It's amazing how much modifying the hat helps the entire appearance and likeness even. I think these shots just convinced me to buy this. How difficult would you say the hat mod was? Do you think an inexperienced customizer should attempt it?
Hey Raymond,

Speaking of Leon's shirt that you have plans to fix. Do you know where I could get a three button t-shirt with very light material ? I wanted to get something like this - but without the lines in the fabric (and without any yellow stains that this shirt is supposed to have...).


I have been searching on eBay and googled, but no luck other than this one - but the seller on eBay is not very cooperative....

Hey Peer, I can;t think off the top of my head of any that might do the trick to be honest I've been looking for something like this myself to replace my Sideshow Han Solo shirt. Ironically i might actually suggest the Enterbay one afterall in person it's quite thin but definitely not the best shirt on the market.

Well guys I opened the rest tonight and I have to say I have mixed feelings about this one. I have to say that I think our initial disappointments translated pretty faithfully in final product. It;s a decent figure but far from Enterbay's best and they are capable of a solid effort as seen in the last GOD Bruce Lee.

One thing that I think is pretty decent is the quality control, all seem to be OK mine included, I do have to say though that the body has a few loose limbs, the elbows and knees are a little loose

I like this Enterbay body and always have but it most certainly does not have the range of movement as a TT but aesthetically I think it works really well for Leon. The biggest problem is that the neck is totally useless. His head falls off all the time and can;t be posed looking up down or to the side whatsoever.

His neck is too long, it looks OK with the coat but way too long otherwise. He does indeed include suspenders though the clasps are not movie accurate. As i mentioned the white shirt is really bad but I like the black one.

We already know the issues with the hat, see my mod. Glasses look good but the arms way too thick. Sooooo tempted to mod this somehow.

Coat is decent... not amazing. clunky in places, in all honesty the Heroic one was better.

Vest is perfect. No complaints, amazingly movie accurate. Perfect.

Pants look good but were they black? His socks grey? Regardless the shoes are really really bad looking, they actually stand out they look so bad.

Accessories... Guns, are all perfect plant looks super fake. Milk labels are decent

Case... Good! Much better than the Heroic one but it needs weathering and the labels.. .will have to add myself.

The sculpt though I do like... very much, more than Feng? They both have their strengths and weaknesses but I see Reno in this.

After having the Blitzway Tony Montana in hand and being solidly, solidly impressed and having Enterbay;s Leon in hand I already know that Im totally going to skip Enterbay's offerings of Scarface.

It's Leon... that's awesome. beautiful box. A decent figure with moments of very great and moments of bad.

At the end of the day am I glad I got him? Yes I am, am I dissapointed?Yes I am. I'll fix a lot, wont be getting rid of him, I love Leon very much but think Enterbay could have put a little more TLC to make this a home run.
Thank you Raymond for your reply about the three-button shirt. I hope to see some photos of the Enterbay Leon shirt soon then.

By the way, did you see Ahgnus Bruce Lee "Big Boss" custom figure using the shirt I just showed in the HT EB Bruce Lee tread ? It looks really good, but I wonder how the Leon shirt might look on the "Game of Death: Behind the Scenes" RM-X Enterbay body.
Great job on the hat mod Ray. Your review sounds how I was imagining I'd feel if I bought this. What made you end up picking this up , just the sheer fact your a big fan ?. I had absolutely no reason when I ordered it but still did. :lol
Great job on the hat mod Ray. Your review sounds how I was imagining I'd feel if I bought this. What made you end up picking this up , just the sheer fact your a big fan ?. I had absolutely no reason when I ordered it but still did. :lol

Thanks bud! and yup you really hit the nail right on the head... No reason to but felt I had too. It's an official Leon! we have to support.. and it;s only half bad... when I'm done with it it will still be the best Leon out there and probably the only one that will ever come. there are parts, like the new hat that I like better than my custom already. Lost potential but salvageable for the most part :D
Got this from Goodshipped

OH yes the Enterbay storefront just released fast stock last week. This first slot only available at HK hot toys physical storefront (no discount / no wholesales). we (dealer) will recieve our bulk batch (wholesales order) in late Sep - early Oct 2011
Thanks for the hat mod description Ray. I'll be sure to mod mine the second I get him lol
I will be replacing the shoes and modding the case too, as well as a few other things.
Thanks for the hat mod description Ray. I'll be sure to mod mine the second I get him lol
I will be replacing the shoes and modding the case too, as well as a few other things.

rock on man! Be sure to ask for help if you get stuck...

I wanted to post WIP pics of mine but it was one of those organic things that i sort of figured out as i went and got wrapped up in until i was happy with it.
rock on man! Be sure to ask for help if you get stuck...

I wanted to post WIP pics of mine but it was one of those organic things that i sort of figured out as i went and got wrapped up in until i was happy with it.

Mind if I apply that to myself as well? I plan to attempt the hat mod as soon as he arrives.
Thanks Ray!
I really cant wait for this guy...still need to put my order down though lol
This is a must have for me.
I just see ActionFigureReview review of this on YouTube. Figure looks amazing, one thing EB seriously need to do though is step up there QC, his figure came with a back to front arm. Someone's seriously letting them down somewhere but other than I can't wait till I get mine.
I just see ActionFigureReview review of this on YouTube. Figure looks amazing, one thing EB seriously need to do though is step up there QC, his figure came with a back to front arm. Someone's seriously letting them down somewhere but other than I can't wait till I get mine.

My arms were like that but you just twist the biceps around. :dunno No biggie. its not defective its just that the arms are twisted in the other direction in packaging.
My arms were like that but you just twist the biceps around. :dunno No biggie. its not defective its just that the arms are twisted in the other direction in packaging.

Quoted for truth :goodpost::exactly:

My EB Jack Bauer came with his arm like that and then I just turned it around, then it was all good :lol