To the friends of Les; thank you for showing your support and putting your own heads out there vouching for him. It does help, I am not close with him, but the first impression he gave me in our transaction, combined with your vouching, really cemented my view on the man, and helped me rationalize this all. You spoke on his behalf when he himself could not, calmed brewing storms at every turn and that means a lot to his customers. Nothing short of exceptional stewardship FYI.
You're welcome. I am awesome, I know. Often times I forget just how off the chain I really am, it takes a post like this to remind me. Thnx.
To the friends of Les; thank you for showing your support and putting your own heads out there vouching for him. It does help, I am not close with him, but the first impression he gave me in our transaction, combined with your vouching, really cemented my view on the man, and helped me rationalize this all. You spoke on his behalf when he himself could not, calmed brewing storms at every turn and that means a lot to his customers. Nothing short of exceptional stewardship FYI.
You're welcome. I am awesome, I know. Often times I forget just how of the chain I really am, it takes a post like this to remind me. Thnx.
Situation resolved. Another friend made in the process.
Thanks all.
Must go work now. No way near done yet!
Les out!
Situation resolved. Another friend made in the process.
Thanks all.
Must go work now. No way near done yet!
Les out!