Les' backlog situation (for the uninitiated)

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Re: LES WALKER - All NEW Custom Works 2009

Subject over. Post deleted. The head is in the mail.

MOVING ON! :rock
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Re: LES WALKER - All NEW Custom Works 2009

Not my goal. I'm just upset. I'll eventually will fall silent on this topic.

Well the timing was very very bad...

I know how you feel, I've waited for over a year for custom work myself... and I have made people wait a year as well. So I guess I can say I understand both sides.

But when personal things take your legs out from under you, what is the proper response? Do you keep painting, ignoring the personal things? Losing friends and loved ones in the process... letting elderly parents die alone on their couches as you slave away?

The past year has been HELL for Les, and every time he thought he could bounce back it didn't work out... More pain...more turmoil. He couldn't plan for it, because he didn't see it coming. The tsunami of problems tore Les to shreds and ruined his plans. He's been crawling up the mountainside of work since then.

But to hit him now, when he is working so hard to get the work out the door... that's really wrong man. I understand you are frustrated, but just at least give him a little bit more time. After that, you can never do business with him or ever rebuild trust again... it's your decision.

But don't hit him when he is at his weakest, that won't help you or any of the other people who are waiting. It will just dampen his spirits and drain his creative urges, elongating the waiting process.
Re: LES WALKER - All NEW Custom Works 2009

Maybe the mods can delete this last couple pages of upset postings and those in question can deal with it personally over email?

Its really no ones business and it is killing the good energy of this thread.

For the record though, it is everyone else's decision also to pay up front. They have the option not to do so, and Les understands how things got messed up and is taking the nessesary acts to change his system for the betterment of all his customers and himself. That's all you can ask of him really and I think its admirable actually. Whats done is done, we all knew the situation with timing and such getting involved we would like to not have to wait a year but I for one would rather wait a year and get a quality item in which the artists true passion is reflected as opposed to a rushed item.

On a personal level I have sympathy for the man and really do hope things get better for him (Les I hope you'r moms hand gets better soon) but all that aside, on a professional level I think he's doing the best he can and I know his situation, but I also know he's the best out there so I'd rather wait for something frmo him than to try it myself or get someone else to do it. I take accountability for choosing to do business with him and knowing the possible set backs and delays.

Even though we buy and sell toys around here, we're still adults and even when patience is tried we can handle ourselves diplomatically.
Re: LES WALKER - All NEW Custom Works 2009

C'mon fellas let bygones be bygones, there is no need for any of this, really.

I think as a customer the best thing to do is to in a way forget about the custom being made, it really takes alot off of your mind as a collector.

Les, sometimes it gets worse before it gets better, that I KNOW from past experience. Life is an ^^^^^^^ every now and then, I see it as phases. Keep your head man, soon enough you will take "that" deep breath ..................
Re: LES WALKER - All NEW Custom Works 2009

Les, don't beat yourself up. You've apologized and that is really all you can do. You've been through hell this past year and most of us completley understand the hold up. Don't let put you down. You make art plain and simple. Did Michelangelo ever have hold ups in completing a comission? I'm sure he did. You are only human and life happens.

Yeah, it does suck that things can take so long, but they are always worth it. I was absolutely blown away by the two things of yours that I have. Absolutley stunning and worth every second of waiting.

So take your time, and keep your head up. 2009 is looking to be a brighter year for you. Looking back will only remind you of the pain and suffering you went through. Look foward and don't look back :rock
Re: LES WALKER - All NEW Custom Works 2009

yeah what buttmunch said.. and plus me and you, we done professionally.. ^^^^in ey..
Re: LES WALKER - All NEW Custom Works 2009

Les, don't beat yourself up. You've apologized and that is really all you can do. You've been through hell this past year and most of us completley understand the hold up. Don't let put you down. You make art plain and simple. Did Michelangelo ever have hold ups in completing a comission? I'm sure he did. You are only human and life happens.

Yeah, it does suck that things can take so long, but they are always worth it. I was absolutely blown away by the two things of yours that I have. Absolutley stunning and worth every second of waiting.

So take your time, and keep your head up. 2009 is looking to be a brighter year for you. Looking back will only remind you of the pain and suffering you went through. Look foward and don't look back :rock
Well said, and I agree.
Re: LES WALKER - All NEW Custom Works 2009

Yeah, I'll be a broken record and say I agree with everyone here as well Les. You have no need to further explain yourself - you have done that adequately in the beginning of this new thread. Now, Oneye is a good guy and has done a TON for people on the spawn board and here - however, this really should have been taken up with you through email or PMs, not on this public forum.

I wouldn't get too upset about this though (as mentioned) - you can never satisfy everyone, but in your case, you have MORE than the majority behind you.
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Re: LES WALKER - All NEW Custom Works 2009

I think it's important that everyone understand where a post like that from Les is coming from. That is a building frustration pouring out of Les, but I think it's important people understand where that's coming from.

You can believe me and others who have and will say the same or not, that's your call, but I swear to everyone, it has eaten away at Les' soul that his work for you has gotten as behind as it has because A) it's not the type of businessman he wants to be known here as, and B) art is his passion, and his inability to do your work ammounts to inability to do any art, his passion has been taken away from him but uncontrollable circumstances that most of us won't for a long time, if every, experience. I've seen my father go through the same, and I don't care how tough you are everyday, when the people who gave you life and brought you up go through a situation like his mom is, it beats you down.

The man's fighting to do the right things by his mom and family and it's affecting him emotionally because sometimes it's a lose-lose battle no matter what you do or try, and he's doing great things and the best any one can be expected to in that situation, but the situation makes him feel like he can't win.

One thing that's been keeping him going is having the goal of finally coming through on the work he owes you guys, it's his light at the end of this dark tunnel. It drives him forward to think of the upset and dissappointed customers he's got from this situation and changing your feelings by finally coming through for you and not leaving you hanging, and deep from his heart he is giving it everything he's got, between the quality of the paint work he's doing and the efforts to keep you guys as up to date as possible on where things are at. A lot of what he's told this board recently, he's asked me in the past not to share with you when he's talked to me about it, it was very personal and private to him, but ultimately he felt it fairest to you to share it all so you were fully in the know about why your things are late. That's his committment to doing right by everyone.

When you're going through emotional hell like he is, and you look for something to give you purpose and comfort and a goal and a way to make yourself feel you're doing right by someone, and then even that is gone, it cuts your legs out from under you, and that's what some of the posts made in disgruntlement do to him.

The situation Les is going through, I truly hope people around here don't go through, it's a painful torture on the soul that no person should ever have to go through, and it really snaps you into perspective. If anything good can come of it, it's at least and appreciation for the more important things in life, and that's where Les is at, a point where "toys" don't feel like that important a thing to him to have in his life, and being faced with that reality, because truthfully, I'll agree, I love collecting but in the end all of this STUFF is just bull^^^^ and unimportant, there are greater, more important things in life, and because he's seeing the more important aspects of life, he's hoping that those of you waiting can see that there are greater things in life than the heads or whatever you've transacted with him for.

Now that's not saying forget it and move on with your lives, no, no, by all means be eager for your items, be expressive of your concerns as to where things are at with your stuff, but at the same time, have the sympathy/empathy/compassion to understand where he's at and what he's fighting to get your stuff to you, and to put your trust in him that he's not bull^^^^ting you when he says stuff's coming, and compared to the shady deals I've seen go down on this board, I see plenty out of Les to trust in. Most shady deals end up that the seller or whoever is nowhere to be found, doesn't post any sort of reason for delays or absence of items, give pictures of items as they're finished, they just become ghosts and it takes a witch hunt to bring about resolution. All that's needed with Les is trust right now. Realize that with all he's been through, if he weren't going to deliver for you guys, he'd have said ^^^^ it and walked away by now, he wouldn't be posting here to give you hope like he's trying.

Ultimately, the message here is, not that you're in the wrong to be wondering where your stuff is, that is your right as a paying customer, but just to have trust that despite being upset you don't have it yet, it is coming, as fast as is humanly possible for him under his circumstances, and if you feel the need to post around here with inquiry, fine, but at least use a tact of not going for the kill when a simple slap upside the head is enough.

If you feel negatively about Les as a businessman, that's your call as a customer, but all you need to do around here is post in the commerce thread when your transaction is complete that you are dissatisfied, post whatever your comment is there, that's why that section exists, and if someone ever asks you for your opinion say your peace, but out of context in a thread like this, it's just a soul beating, unproductive use of a post.
Re: LES WALKER - All NEW Custom Works 2009

Life extends beyond work.

I know this all to well. That's why I don't offer my services as a painter. I can't guarantee super fast results. Fastest I've ever done one was three days. Most take 2 weeks to complete. That's not including the research for the skin tones,hair color etc. This isn't a fast food business here people. Quality takes time.

Les, from someone who also had a rather challenging 08, all the best. Life has a way of evening out. Proportionally good things happen after not so good things. Life is great

Re: LES WALKER - All NEW Custom Works 2009

Wow, when this all this ^^^^ go down?

Man, and this was such a happy thread...
Can we just go back to the cool info on upcoming work?
Sorry to hear about the bad new with your mum! :monkey2

My dad's having a 'fun' time at the moment with his parents. My granddad had a fall on Valentine's Day and has broken his hip. All this while my grandma is recovering from a fall just before Christmas. Plus my granddad's cancer is worse, etc.

The joys of getting old! :sick

Hope you get some good news soon! :peace

PsychoCenobite :monkey5
Re: LES WALKER - All NEW Custom Works 2009

Mods, can we please move posts re: Les back-log discussion to the sticky Back-Log Thread?

This thread is for Les 09 All New Stuff.

And Les, no worries Bro. Love to Ma. :grouphug :love
Re: LES WALKER - All NEW Custom Works 2009

C'mon fellas let bygones be bygones, there is no need for any of this, really.

I think as a customer the best thing to do is to in a way forget about the custom being made, it really takes alot off of your mind as a collector.

Les, sometimes it gets worse before it gets better, that I KNOW from past experience. Life is an ^^^^^^^ every now and then, I see it as phases. Keep your head man, soon enough you will take "that" deep breath ..................

I agree man. Les has promised to work hard to push these customs through the door- what more can we ask of him. Yes, he has had a very tough year and I wouldn't wish his situation on anyone. I also understand where the customers are coming from and why they would be upset but honestly what more can you do? Why tear down the man even more than he has already been brought down?

I have faith that I will get everything I ordered from Les. I have faith in him as a person to do the right thing but you know what- even if my orders don't come through the whole thing has gone past it's time anyway. No body is perfect and I feel as though Les has been sincere about everything. Most people would have taken the money and run if they had gotten in over their heads but Les has remained active and is honestly trying to do right by his customers. That is something I can respect. If it had been the other way around I would have been furious.

I wish him luck and I also would like to ask that people not exacerbate the situation in this thread any further.
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Re: LES WALKER - All NEW Custom Works 2009

anyone who STILL feels the need to "vent"? DONT were all sick of it. email les directly like a man. or shut the hell up. and mods i agree on ridding the crap in this thread.