Very kind of you Mike. As always, you are one of the nicest guys I have met, online and otherwise. Thanks.
It was indeed a great day. One of the few good ones I have had lately.
OK. I am still in the midst of the bankruptcy. I thought my one day in court would do it, but seems the woman that oversees it all, had some issues with my details, so it all got prolonged into next week. I hadn't said anything before now, because to be honest it made me REALLY MAD! I don't think I have ever been so angry. Three years of frustrations nearly came out of me, in court, under oath, so glad I didn't do that. I stayed calm, left and am hoping it all gets worked out.
Anyway, after a day of extreme anger, and feeling mad I had no effect on the direction of my life, I realized something I had thought of in April of 2008, just before my Mom's troubles sent me and my family into the spiral that has affected me to this day, I realized I was so unorganized, and needed to CLEAN and shape up my workspace (room, abode, place I am trapped until I can climb out of this hell...)
So, since the next day, I have been cleaning. ALL DAY. Every day. I am almost done. I have organized work in a manner that is so obvious, that I fault myself for not thinking of it sooner. Instead of EVERYTHING all around me, all the time, pulling at me at the same time, with the same importance (because I do see it all as important), I have cleaned it all up, bought some new storage shelving units, organized them all in waves of dudes, you guys, and sets, Jokers, etc., and am going to attack, (operative word here) each one until set by set is done, and gone. I won't pull a set out until some are done and shipped.
ALL my money is gone (bankruptcy is NOT cheap! But working on the money situation as I can), so shipping will be slow, but not all is finished anyway. I need to regroup all that and keep moving it out. It can happen now. I even have new blinds over my windows, and a clean sense of workspace now. Man, it feels good! I have needed to do this for two and a half years! It's part of what screwed me up in the first place, but I was too overwhelmed to see it.
So, after next Tuesday (D-Day #2) regardless of the outcome, I will be hitting the shipouts as fast as I can, with updates to each person shipped to.
I do not want extra monies here. I feel you all have spent enough. I know you want stuff expedited, but to keep it all from snowballing beyond my ability to organize again, let me send you the info, and the stuff. First up will be some of the single owner sets. NOT all the Jokers and loose heads can go first. Some have waited longer. I want them out first. THEN, as I send out sets, info will accompany each shipout. It's the only way I can do it without help or a secretary to answer each and every email and Pm. Let me send it out, to you. I promise stuff will flow.
Maz, and Damian, and Gruff, and Reiny, you guys, all look for stuff soon. Heads only guys, stuff will come soon. Preds guys, soon. All are in progress, but I can't finish all this at the same time. One guy here, doing all he can. Just know, it's coming.
Good news, amidst all the cleaning, I have boxed up over half my collection. Boxed and out. Feels great. if I had the Detolfs, maybe not, but til then, out of here! So, all my sets are diminished for a time. Boxed and stored. Feels great. On to your stuff again, which feels great. Just did a custom figure again for the first time in ages. Felt great! So, it's still in there.
In the midst of moving stuff, I did set up one set I have never shared before. Finished them long ago but was not inclined to share much. Haven't felt like sharing much lately at all, but now that work is flowing better again, I think it's time. Pics will come soon. Anyway, I want to thank a member here for some heads he did for me WAY back, in the worst of times in 08, my 20,000 Leagues guys.
Spencer sculpted a set of Peter Lorre and Paul Lukas for my set, and I got the figures made sometime in 09. I just got nametags from Evilface for them, and I am so glad to have ONE SET done in my collection. Well, short details on the diver Nemo. Nemo got a new suit from the new Dragon German admiral, and Ned was done long ago. Vikki did me a shirt I haven't changed out yet.
Anyway, here they are, a set you won't see every day...the cast, and pet seal Esmerelda, and even the Nautilus and the Giant Squid, from one of my all-time favorite movies, Disney's epic
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.
The set:
Better look at Spencer's headsculpts (Ned was a Dragon reworked, and Nemo was a GI Joe Robert E Lee reworked)
Thanks Evil!
Oh, and Chase,
the fires are lit!