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did you guys bother to contact Les ? i don't understand why you guys waited well over 2 years to wonder where your HS's are ?
I'm not wondering where it's at but by your post I have to assume you never read Les's thread.
did you guys bother to contact Les ? i don't understand why you guys waited well over 2 years to wonder where your HS's are ?
Tried emailing and sending him a PM here, never got a response. Ordered and paid for my Joker head August of 2008. Confirmed my paint style with him in 2010. Just waiting on that still. Hope everything is alright...
Tried emailing and sending him a PM here, never got a response. Ordered and paid for my Joker head August of 2008. Confirmed my paint style with him in 2010. Just waiting on that still.
Should move this out of the For Sale forum.
Actually, there should be a whole new forum where all these threads should be, for scams/concerns/complaints etc. A kind of complaint department. Lord knows theres enough threads made everyday to warrant its own section of the board.
4 years?