Once again
If you don't have any work involved with Les, don't post those kind of useless comments.
If you don't have any work involved with Les, don't post those kind of useless comments.
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"That which does not kill us makes us stronger."
Good that you are back, Les.
Les. 4 years may be a while but under the circumstances you were under I honestly do not think you could have done more.
As for the customs I have outstanding with you, no more stress from my end.
take 40 years or give it to me in the next age, it's fine by me you've been a trooper and I think you deserve some recognition for that.
things will look up.
for the rest who feel ripped off, consider and ask if beating a man who is already down will do you or anyone any good.
live and let live. give the man some space to breathe.
Les. 4 years may be a while but under the circumstances you were under I honestly do not think you could have done more.
As for the customs I have outstanding with you, no more stress from my end.
take 40 years or give it to me in the next age, it's fine by me you've been a trooper and I think you deserve some recognition for that.
things will look up.
for the rest who feel ripped off, consider and ask if beating a man who is already down will do you or anyone any good.
live and let live. give the man some space to breathe.
Les, first off: I appreciate the fact that you are still here.
Would it be possible to give us a list how much is still in the pipeline? You might understand that it is extremly hard to believe that there is still happening something on your side. You are actually hiding and - no offense to the mods - people have almost no chance to critizice this because mods will lock up every thread. People would feel more comfortable if you finally restart communication. To be completly honest: most of the guys who are waiting for their stuff dont care about your private issues anymore. Those long posts yougive us from time to time would be more benefitial if they were filled with updates instead of personal issues. This is not ment offensive but more an attempt to explain my request with a limited amount of words in a foreign language for me.
For example: how many commissions have been finished and delivered to board members in the last 3-4 months?
hang in there T.O.M , im sure you headsculpt should be arriving any day now.
Please don't post in here unless you have a deal pending and let's not name call. If we can't do that then infractions may have to be handed out.