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Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

Suckers are huge aren't they.


Looks like it to me :lol, sorry, I had to :rotfl
Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

IDK....Maybe to offset Gruson's prices and some funny ^^^^ you said in reply to the "How much does it weigh" email......:lol

I claimed the 2nd one when Sideshow posted it "Ding,Ding,Done" for $450.

Hell yes they are...and I totally Dig Em'

The serial number is #100/200 :banana
Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

Oh, that's not true at all man. The first step is realizing that. :duff

I agree...you got walk like you are the ^^^^...and you own the place....women love a man that oozes confidence. :) Now not a prick...that's a total different kind of ooze....but someone who knows that he's got it going on....it will make people curioius...and they will want to know more.
Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

It is very refreshing to see Sean excited about something other than SW and working on my sigs! :lol

You need to venture into the Aliens and Robots section more ;) Star Wars is not my only passion.

He's pretty damn excited about THE DARK KNIGHT, though. :lecture :rock

Aw hell yeah :rock :rock :rock :rock :rock
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Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

You need to venture into the Aliens and Robots section more ;) Star Wars is not my only passion.

Sorry.....I've been super self absorbed with my own stuff here lately.

We all know who the second biggest advocator on this board is Sean. :D

Second now only to Indy films,figs,etc..... :lol

I know you like all those as well.

Trust me.