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this isnt a beauty contest :lol i thought you were pretty :eek:
Aw, you're sweet. I get really self-conscious around pretty girls for some reason. I kind of suffer from a sort of depression, which tends to warp what I see in the mirror, or in photos.

Here's a photo of a very polished me, from when I was a bridesmaid at my brother's wedding:

I've been told I look like Carrie Fisher in ROTJ. Of course, I don't normally look like that at all. My hair's about an inch and a half long now, bleach blonde, spiked up, and I'm very fond of black eyeliner. Proper punk rock. Not something most people consider pretty.
Cloud6 don't be silly, you're very pretty and as for punk, I briefly had blue hair in 1983 when we hung out on South St in Philly, so you won't get complaints from me about the new look.
Aw, thanks. The second one I posted doesn't really look anything like me. When I work up the nerve I'll post a more current one.
Wookster, you look like Wayne Coyne from the Flaming Lips. :lol

Yeah, I'd like to go back some day...sigh!

In fact here's a recent pic of me after a little too much 'good' Tequila (the bottles on the table) And no I didn't drink it all that night, though I felt like I had the next day!
This is the only one I let my wife show people from that night, cheez I do love the occasional Tequila, and it does make you happy, but I was so gone!

Wookster, you look like Wayne Coyne from the Flaming Lips. :lol

My wife said the same thing when she first saw him!

Sadly with my specs on I look more like Rolf Harris!


This was taken last night by my eldest daughter in the other pic-