Lets See YOU!!...........

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My wife said the same thing when she first saw him!

Sadly with my specs on I look more like Rolf Harris!


Wookster = :D
Wookster's daughter = :)
Wookster's cat = :(

Could someone please go pet that cat?!:lol
Wookster = :D
Wookster's daughter = :)
Wookster's cat = :(

Could someone please go pet that cat?!:lol

It's my wife's. I don't feel like I can say much as the house is so full of my 'toys'!

But I can assure it has a happy fulfilled life for a varnished cat!
Yeah, my 20's feel like another country to me now, sadly I'm the wrong side of 40... not by much, but who's counting anymore?

My youngest asked me the other day "what were the dinosaurs like daddy", I figured I 'could' correct her, but had more fun telling her how cool they were!
Here's me practicing my fight stance...with a gallon of iced tea


Here's a pic of me (right) and my boy Toast (left) trying to look tough :lol

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This is what I looked like about 5 years ago:

I was all about androgyny and eccentricity back then. Big fan of Marilyn Manson.
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This is what I looked like about 5 years ago:

I was all about androgyny and eccentricity back then. Big fan of Marilyn Manson.

I loooooooooooovvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeee your boots :drool

and that top hat and cane look awesome together :rock