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If you think about this, it's pretty funny. Italians are from Italy, Americans are from America, but where the ^^^^ are Hispanics and Latino/as from???? Are they from Hispania or Latinica??? Never heard of those countries.

Simple. The old name for Spain is Hispanola. You get where the Hispanic comes from. The countries in Central and South America including the large country of Mexico were all Maya, Inca and other various empires. All of which were conquered by Italy, Spain, Portugal and other countries who all shared a common language. Latin. It doesn't only refer to just those countries though but any Latin based country that was "exploring". Their settling of the countries is what prompted the term because of language barriers

Hispanic (hispano) = coming from Spain or related to spanish languages and culture.

Iberian (ibero) = Coming from Spain AND Portugal, related to Spanish and Portuguese languages and cultures.

Latin (latino) = Coming from a latin-based country, related to countries with a latin-based language and culture. (NOT only to latin-america.) - Italy, Spain, France, Portugal, Romania + their former colonies in america.


<EMBED src=https://www.youtube.com/v/nBlltEEDwII&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0 width=425 height=344 type=application/x-shockwave-flash allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always">

*checks to make sure significant other didn't hear that* :lol
I rarely let pics of me be taken, but its impossible to avoid at weddings.
few weeks ago as worst man ....


Simple. The old name for Spain is Hispanola..
:eek: I think you mean Hispania, named after the romans . But the term Hispanic just makes reference to a Spanish-speaking culture, language or a Spanish descendant person. just want to make clear that people form Spain are spanish :lol Not latinos, hispanic, Iberos or anything like that.
:lol thanks guys.

The wedding was at an Inn closeby thats frequently rented out for weddings.
Thats the staircase that goes up to the room for the bride (and groom the night after the wedding)/

and yes. THat guy with me is my bud Dave.
He's a real life "The Dude"
I would grab Pix for looking at me that way, just one hand Pix.... just one hand....

to DA MOON SON :rock :rock :rock Kurgan style!!!!

and then eat his food because I'm hungry.
Here's a pic of me and my friend Kathryn at my pre-birthday party. For those of you who don't know me, I'm the one on the left with the tattoo. :)
