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Hell yeah Mr. Predator!!! :rock Spank that culo!!!
Felmar's costume was bad ass! :rock I got to see it all over the condo in pieces. It was very impressive and a lot of hard work went into it. I loved it! :rock
Mack, how did your little man like the Con?

He was just in awe of everything. Didn't really say much at all. Wide-eyed and quiet :lol

My daughter on the other hand was bouncing off the walls with excitement. "Look at that!!!" "Lets go look at the Ponies!!!" "Look at all the new Cars" "LEGOS!!!" :D

He was just in awe of everything. Didn't really say much at all. Wide-eyed and quiet :lol

My daughter on the other hand was bouncing off the walls with excitement. "Look at that!!!" "Lets go look at the Ponies!!!" "Look at all the new Cars" "LEGOS!!!" :D


I think your son was how I was last year.....:lol

Your daughter is super cute....she looks so happy with her Legos tower! :D :rock :rock