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Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

pixletwin said:
Weird thing is Justin, you look about like what I pictured you'd look like. I didn't know you had kids though. :cool:

LOL Now it's your turn for pics!
Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

Here's me with the stuff I bought at amazing discounts during Spooktacular!

Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

If anyone has a chance to go to Disneyland around Halloween, DO IT! I never knew before that Disneyland and California Adventures go all out in decorating the parks! They even completely made over the Haunted Mansion to fit with the Nightmare Before Christmas theme. It must have taken them weeks to renovate the entire ride. Amazing. Now I want to go back before Christmas to see what the park looks like!









Yeah the music SUCKS!!!! But I suck at videocameras and computer stuff...

and it's my friend who did this so I have no idea how to change it:confused:

But turn off the sound and enjoy the show ;)
Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

Ah! Those pictures of Disneyland bring back fond memories. I was at the Californian Disneyland for Halloween in 1995, when I was ever so young. Id love to come back to America and especially Disneyland. I love it how so much effort goes into the decorations and so forth. Thanks so much for posting.

I dont think Ive posted a picture in a while..well at least one where I dont look like a git promoting a careers agency. :lol
So I think from memory, this was taken after Id come home from a job interview (I got the job but its well rubbish). I look a bit sick actually...probably because I had to walk 2 and a half hours to get home and it was close to 30C. Fun times, fun times. :rotfl


Still look a git, but at least Im smiling...slightly.
Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

carbo-fation said:
That's awesome man! I bet it cost quite a bit? Any more pics would be much appreciated.:D :eek:

Actually I picked it up for 20 bucks, but it retailed for about 200. I have a few others. I'll post some pics in my collection in the shelves section for ya Carbo.
Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

ArwenEvenstar said:
Ah! Those pictures of Disneyland bring back fond memories. I was at the Californian Disneyland for Halloween in 1995, when I was ever so young. Id love to come back to America and especially Disneyland. I love it how so much effort goes into the decorations and so forth. Thanks so much for posting.

I dont think Ive posted a picture in a while..well at least one where I dont look like a git promoting a careers agency. :lol
So I think from memory, this was taken after Id come home from a job interview (I got the job but its well rubbish). I look a bit sick actually...probably because I had to walk 2 and a half hours to get home and it was close to 30C. Fun times, fun times. :rotfl


Still look a git, but at least Im smiling...slightly.

Still the prettiest Lady on this Board!!!Too bad your in Australia,I would have sent you a dozen roses a day for the rest of my life. ...But you know with the high shipping and stuff.. I think I will just keep buying action figures. :monkey1