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Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

I just realized the picture of me in the snow was post #1000 in this thread. :rock Do I win anything. Maybe a scarf or a new hat? :wacky
Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

Fritz said:
I just realized the picture of me in the snow was post #1000 in this thread. :rock Do I win anything. Maybe a scarf or a new hat? :wacky
You win

More Snow:rotfl
Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

swabie2424 said:
Hey Fritz... cool dog, man!

Hmmmm, so many one-liners here:

1) That's Fritz :eek:

2) Cool dog, well isn't that a one-liner all it's own.

Yuk, yuk! :stooge :stooge
Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

SideshowDusty said:
I love the jealousy that men have for JT, it cracks me up. Seriously, just accept it, pretty much every woman thinks he's hot (even those you'd think would NEVER like him). He can dance, he's got a great smile, he has a wonderful ability to laugh at himself, he's a great actor (yes, the best part of Alpha Dog is JT, even men have said that), and he's seems like a real sweety. Anyway...*daydreams*... what were we talking about :confused:

Uh..... Dusty.... ?

Are you insane? Justin Timberlake???

He's not even a man! :rotfl

Anyway, Fritz - cool pics. :D
Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

GrueSam said:
Uh..... Dusty.... ?

Are you insane? Justin Timberlake???

He's not even a man! :rotfl

Anyway, Fritz - cool pics. :D

You mean he's a.... a.....

Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

This guy is better than that Timberlake dude:


or this guy:


or this guy:


or this guy/girl :confused: :confused:

Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

toe, you don't think I'm better the JT???!??!? I'm insulted.. My beautiful hair makes up for what I lack on the dance floor... hahahhaha
Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

I'm so glad I originally posted this pic! I never get tired of seeing him/her/it.

Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

Batty said:
I'm so glad I originally posted this pic! I never get tired of seeing him/her/it.


Surely you see him/her/it at family reunions? :confused:
Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

Did someone say I have Sith Eyes?


More like Terminator! :lol

Now what does the guy behind me have? :lol
Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

Batty said:
I'm so glad I originally posted this pic! I never get tired of seeing him/her/it.


yea, she's got a thicker mustache then some of my friends(who are guys)
Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????


that was me before I bleached my hair blonde and sorted my goatee out ........... i really wish you'd stop talking about me like that
Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

A better picture of myself one that I'm glad to have in the FREAKS yearbook. :D
