I personally have a problem with the design of the Predalien itself. Waay too much Alien, not enough Predator.
Seriously? I am totally the opposite about this thing. I wanted it to look way more like an Alien and less like a Pred. ADI took the biomechanical thing out of Aliens and made them less bug, more beast, so now they look far less 'alien'. This thing's body color is even Pred and it has dreads. Why does it have dreads? No Alien ever had hair on its dome after birthing from a human or all over its body after coming out of the dog. Pred Dreads are just like giant hairs, aren't they? the PredAilen dreads remind me too much of Species.
There was no way I was going to be totally pleased with any design that included dreads. Love the mandibles though. Wish it had looked like an Aliens Warrior with mandibles. This thing is too much like a little Queen