Expect dumb Fox to get a 6'6 replacement. He'll just get taller from here on in.
Expect dumb Fox to get a 6'6 replacement. He'll just get taller from here on in.
Wolverine is a female in the comics now?
Wolverine is a female in the comics now?
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fixed for inclusiveness.*Insert Marvel character* is a female in the comics now?
Good trailer, I'll be seeing it opening weekend.
I still don't think it's Oscar worthy.
X-23 has taken up the mantle of Wolverine since his death.
fixed for inclusiveness.
That a joke right? Looks like a joke, If it's forreal I feel for you.
I'm getting Spider-verse done right with Superman though so I'm good.![]()
Oh that one, but that's non-canon and contained stuff, that's ok, that doesn't countIt's from DC's "Love is Love". Basically they took a real-world tragedy, and published 140 pages of such short stories. It's pretty insensitive if you ask me, but eh, the internet seems to love it. I mean, I get the scene with Batman saying how they were heroes (cringy as it is), but that one? Deathstroke killed his own son people. He let both of them alone in the woods until a grizzly showed up, and he didn'thelp until it was clear they were gonna get eaten. He put a contract on his own daughter to "work" with her. The man is a complete ****ing monster. But sure, a shooting is gonna make him change his mind...
As for Supes, I've seen those scans on BleedingCool and from what I'm hearing it's pretty great. It's Batman that's dissapointed me though. It's a pretty lackster title. Hellblazer as well. Issue 3 was just JonCon tied to a chair defending minorities and combating racism & homophobia. And nope, I'm not joking... Priest's Deathstroke is still ****ing awesome though.
Oh that one, but that's non-canon and contained stuff, that's ok, that doesn't countdoesn't compare to what Marvel does on weekly basis. I'm not gonna read it, I just like the fact they keep that **** contained.
Batman is boring me the **** out, right up there with Superwoman in terms of boring, and Detective comics pushing Batwoman too, I used to like Batwoman, but right now it's the usual "make Batman look bad and like a jerk to boost this other hero".
Well, Constantine has always been a bit liberal and gay, so I don't mind that.
I see your PC Marvel and raise you "what the **** were they thinking" DC:
But it is, it literally doesn't countStill, it was published. It's not about the continuity,
It started out great with Gotham and Gotham girl, but boy it became boring quick.Batman's been blaaaaand, but I'm not dropping it in case SOMETHING happens. I mean, it's got, right? Eh, I didn't bother with DC. I saw those scans of Spoiler taking down EVERYONE and I was like "man, get outta here".
I meant gay figuratively, I'm not even sure he's bi he's just a degenerate and does whatever he feels like doing, at least he comes across that way.Not really. The Bi thing was just a single mention in one panel, it was never made that big of a deal. John is an *******, that's his characteristic. When you charge me 3.2 euros, I expect more than a guy tied to a chair talking about minorities. It's like that scene in the Lucifer TV show where he says that they've got a special place in Hell for Hitler, Mousolini and Trump when he gets there. It's just... so... cringy. Hellblazer has lost its touch because it's in the main continuity, and they're actively trying to make him a more appealing character.
He wears that costume at home while watching tv?
Oh man, snowflake supervillain hitmen.![]()
But it is, it literally doesn't countCharacters do all sorts of out of character **** in specials, you shouldn't care, as long as they don't do it where it matters.
That literally means nothing and doesn't have a single repercussion or ramification in anything or anywhere. Unless it's canon, as far as I know it isn't, is it?
It started out great with Gotham and Gotham girl, but boy it became boring quick.
Something will happen, Flash and Batman teamup to solve the Manhattan mystery, it's gonna be dope.
I meant gay figuratively, I'm not even sure he's bi he's just a degenerate and does whatever he feels like doing, at least he comes across that way.
Yes, I've noticed that too and I haven't even read his new run but a few issues, it's pretty watered down I wonder how long it will last, even TV show Constantine feels truer to the character.
Swamp thing has been represented pretty good where I've seen him in Rebirth.
No argument there, but I just can't take it seriously, it's like the Holiday special where Superman is playing the piano while Grodd singsI don't think it's canon, but I don't know. Batman and Nightwing have their current costumes in there, same as Apollo and Midnighter. Either way, you've got to agree that it's a cringy move all around.
Same thing happened with Loki, he was a great vicious villain and they made him a cool bad boy for the gurls.There was a passing mention about a male lover in the Vertigo continuity, but that's it. Ever since he joined the main continuity though, all of his runs deal with him being bi, or protecting minorities and all that. Hellblazer was always a "punk, coke & rock n' roll" book, but the current titles are missing what made theoriginal stories great. The uncensored scenes, the awfulness of JonCon and the "grounded" feel.
As for Lucifer, I haven't bothered with the new title, but the TV show is fun, I like it quite a lot.
No argument there, but I just can't take it seriously, it's like the Holiday special where Superman is playing the piano while Grodd singsall in full rebirth costumes.
Same thing happened with Loki, he was a great vicious villain and they made him a cool bad boy for the gurls.