Logan (New Wolverine movie March 3rd 2017)

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My only problem with X1 and its not bad, is when Storm says her famous line about "you know what happens when a toad is struck by lighting?" Lololol xd its sooo hilarious

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Totally agree with this. It should have been cut out. Originally Toad had a lot of dialogue where he would say "you know what happens when...". All that got cut from the movie so Storm's line has no context. It should have been taken out because without the set up its painfully bad.
whenever i try to watch x men 1 it feels kind of depressing and a little boring. it doesnt really have that mny great action scenes (just a couple) and the x men dont feel very heroic to be honest.
x men in general have always been depressing because of the discrimination themes but the movie feels like a dark drama sometimes.
im not saying i want quips and funny one liners or that i want action scenes like man of steel, just feels weird

the villains are kinda weak too. like a random group of homeless people just commiting crimes. I wish Magneto's team was bigger and more organized. they kinda feel like hobos.
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OMG hobos brotherhood of mutants, I am lol so hard right now.

You come up with some funny **** sometimes I swear.

I can't even trigger pturtle because he finds X1 weak as well. :lol
a couple of times that i made you laugh were just times when I wasn't even trying to be funny but just sharing my opinion :lol
that happened a couple of days as well, you were lol'ing about something random i said.

but yes, they definitely felt like hobos brotherhood of mutants, thats a great way of putting it .
Ah man, if only a fraction of the world realized X2's greatness, it would be a much better place. X2 is by far the greatest Marvel comic book movie, nothing comes close!

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The only thing that's close would be Avengers, or Iron Man. And that's just because of a nostalgia factor now. X2 is up there with TDK IMO.