Logan (New Wolverine movie March 3rd 2017)

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The only thing that's close would be Avengers, or Iron Man. And that's just because of a nostalgia factor now. X2 is up there with TDK IMO.

Patrick Stewart Makes It Official: He’s Done Playing Professor X

LOGAN is officially Stewart's last at-bat.

Over the weekend, Patrick Stewart joined Hugh Jackman and
Logan director James Mangold for an appearance at a SiriusXFM Town Hall, and it was there that he made it official: he's played Professor Charles Xavier for the last time.

Here's what he said (as quoted by Death And Taxes):

“A week ago, Friday night in Berlin, the three of us sat, watching the movie. And I was so moved by it, much more moved than I had been the first time of seeing it. Maybe it was the company of these two guys, but the movie ended and — this is an admission — but at one point (Hugh) reached out, and he took my hand in those last few minutes, and I saw him go (mimes wiping away a tear) like this, and then I realized I had just done the same thing. Then, the movie ended… and we were going to be taken up on stage, but not until the credits were over. So, we had some time to sit there and, as I sat there I realized there will never be a better, a more perfect, a more sensitive, emotional, and beautiful way of saying au revoir to Charles Xavier than this movie.

So, I told (Hugh) that same evening, ‘I’m done too. It’s all over.’”

First of all, what a touching ******* story that is. Secondly, how amazing is it that Stewart and Jackman have been playing these characters for almost 20 years? We must have readers who have never lived in a world where these two weren't playing these characters. Filling their shoes - as two actors are sure to do sooner or later - is not something I envy.

And third: stories like this only make me all the more excited for Logan. If Stewart thinks it's the right place to get off the Professor X ride, well, I assume it has to be something special. Can't wait.
People who have seen jt have so much good to say about this film but its crazy since Stewart two weeks said the complete opposite, if he is done thats good!! Im curious how this film ties to that universe

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James Mangold is such an incredibly nice person during his interviews and the guy knows his cinematic **** too.

Now I just hope his movie isn't boring. :lol
Another worthless list, but relevant to the thread.


The 50 "greatest" super hero performances.

50.Judge Dredd (Karl Urban)
48 Groot
47.Evey Hammond (Natalie Portman) V for Vendetta
45.Doctor Octopus
44.Harley Quinn
43.Black Panther
42.Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence)
41.Spiderman (Andrew Garfield)
40.Nightcrawler (Alan Cumming X2)
39. Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot)
38. Aunt May (Raimi trilogy)
37. Mr. Glass (Samuel L Jackson)
36.Hit Girl
35.Storm (Haley Berry)
33.Black Widow
31. Jean Grey (Famke Jensen -original)
30.Lucious Fox
29.Hulk (Mark Ruffalo)
28.Nick Fury
26.Zod (Terance Stamp)
25.Rogue (Anna Paquin)
24.The Crow (Brandon Lee)
23. Prof X (James MCavoy)
22. Batman (Christian Bale)
21.Peggy Carter
20.Alfred (Michael Caine)
19. JJ Jameson (Spidey trilogy)
18.Magneto (Michael Fassbender)
17.X-23 (Logan)
16. Loki
15.Star Lord
13.Steve Rogers/Capt America
12.Lois Lane (Margo Kitter)
11.Magneto (Ian Mckellen)
10.Spiderman (Tobey Maguire)
9.Catwoman (Michelle Pfeiffer)
8.Lex Luthor (Gene Hackman)
7.The Joker (Jack Nicholson)
6. Batman (Michael Keaton)
5.Pof X (Patrick Stewart)
4.Tony Stark
3.Superman (Christopher Reeve)
2. The Joker (Ledger)
1.Wolverine (Jackman)
That list is pretty terrible, as much as I like Jackman I don't think he should be number 1. He's certainly in my top 3 though.

I know it's specifically movies, but I think Charlie Cox as Daredevil would crack my top 5.

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