He does look pretty creepy in the first pic (nice nod to his FA IIRC). Artsy pics aside, I hope they're an indicator of the film's cinematography and general feel. I don't want for them to suddenly go with bright colours and a "wide-screen" approach.
First pic looks like Darkman.
I can't remember, but didn't Caliban die in Apocalypse?
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I can't remember, but didn't Caliban die in Apocalypse?
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"But why attack The Force Awakens? Isn't Star Wars good again?"
"DiFabio knows that the counterattack will destroy his enemies in the superhero threads. In a panic they try to ban him."
"The threadcrappers fight back."
If he's alive in this then yes, probably.
He didn't die in XMA.
Mathieson shot Gladiator, Kingdom of Heaven and Robin Hood (2010). The guy's talented. At the same time, I agree that this should look more toned down. Something like Michael McDonough's work on Winter's Bone or Adam Arkapaw's on True Detective.
I won't lie, after all these Jarmusch-ian teaser pics I'd **** my pants if they went the Down By Law/Stranger Than Paradise route and kept the movie black and white. I would literally **** my pants at such a bold statement from a CBM. I don't see it happening though.
First lets see if the movie is even worth having a discussion about the appeal of B&W for a character like Wolverine.
This movie, without even a trailer released yet, already looks better than Doctor Strange.