KurJen - Kurgan Mod
I just started playing this game about 45 minutes into it and so far I can't stand it. This is one game that is going to have to grow on me...reminds me of how I first hated Fallout 3 then I could not stop playing it.
I couldn't get into Oblivion...though I still own it and will give it another try one day...I was a bit skeptical of Skyrim because of that..but it really does suck you in. I think I put in around 160 hours playing that game and doing every side quest there was to do. Fallout 3 also took me a little while to get into it..but I ended up loving it.
I'm having that problem with AC3 right now. I've played all the previous games and had great fun with them. I just can't get into this new one...I know though that once I turn that corner, I won't be able to put it down.