Lol must be great living in your little nerd bubble eh? ____ing hell!
In other breaking news: Who cares?!
Lol must be great living in your little nerd bubble eh? ____ing hell!
In other breaking news: Who cares?!
Lol must be great living in your little nerd bubble eh? ____ing hell!
In other breaking news: Who cares?!
Yeah . . . it's called a lanyard. Been "caught on" for a few centuries.
It's always been there. His signature hammer twirl would be impossible without it.
Major? As in he had a warhammer in Thor but has a ballpeen hammer in Avengers?
Apparently you, bub. You took the time to read the thread didn't you?
But if this sort of thing doesn't interest you, take your lame ass elsewhere.
They had designed the perfect Mjolnir, so why screw with it?
says the guy with 14 posts
Simple: more merchandise!
There are always tweaks and updates to costumes from film to film.
The costume and prop designers have to eat too, you know!
(ah, the rant of the noobs . . . )
says the guy with 14 posts
Or rather, if you have an interest in discussing the Avengers movie, post here:Yeah, so.... your point is...?
If he doesn't have an interest in this thread, don't post on it.