Loosing interest in games?

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Dude, you are totally not alone. And in your case, I don't think it's a phase. I feel the same exact way...there are tons of sweet games but I just don't have the motivation to play any of them. There are various reasons I guess...I have other stuff I want to do, I'm just too lazy to spend a lot of time on games, and I am married:). Before I got married and was in school, I played non stop. I think the next game I will play will be nba 2k11 cuz it will be easy to just play every now and again. These days, the most I can handle is the occasional iphone game break from whatever it is I am doing.
Well.. Have you tried playing Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker on the PSP? :) That game's worth the trouble of buying a PSP! :rock
I used to have Godzilla pogs when I was a kid. In retrospect pogs were sh!+, but those Godzilla ones were the most badass pogs any kid could ever have. A kid that lived on the same street as me at the time had Alf pogs. Alf. Pogs. Saddest two words in the English language.

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Sorry about derailing your thread Starkiller. :monkey3
Oh ____, that brought back some bad memories.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand. Starkiller, you just have to stay away from games for a while.

Or...you can play the Alf video game. If you still have an interest in video games after playing this one, then your current disinterest is just a phase.

perhaps it's time to step past what you usually play... have you checked out Split Second? Transformers War of Cybertron? these are two titles i thought i would never own, but they kick! have you checked out the online component of Dead Red Redemption? i have barely touched the actual story because the online is so engrossing... Xbox Arcade has some great games (who would have thought that having dogfights in biplanes while playing as Snoopy would be so much fun?)...
Every gamer goes through dry spells, you just need to keep an eye out as new games get released. You'll see some previews that really look awesome and while sometimes they're flops that don't kick the funk, other times they're games that get you going again and you'll spend weeks solid playing through them. I imagine alot of people on here are going to loose some sleep when Civilization V hits later this year. :)
Is anyone else experiencing this right now?

I've been a gamer for as long as I can remember, since about age 4 when I first got my NES. But now lately I really have no urge to flick the consoles on. I last bought Limbo because it was different and fresh, but after beating it and getting most of the achievements I'm left in the same spot. I no longer care about getting the most kills in COD online, nor seeing how many trophies or achievements I can get.

I played a lot of Blur and then lost interest, I played a few hours into the new Red Dead and haven't went back since. I cruised my gaming shelves of PS3, 360, and PS2 games thinking one might catch my eye and I'd want to pop it in and replay it or work on some trophies or achievements....but nothing.

I'm not sure if it's the lack of any good games coming out right now, or if finally I am growing out of gaming all together. Has anyone else ever been in this sort of mind set? Obviously if it was a sort of phase you wouldn't be in the gaming section of the forum.

I'm not so sure it's lack of time, because I'm sitting here online when I could as easily be playing any game and game console I own.

You guys think it's possible that I'm just over them completely?:(

Maybe it's because you're not 4 anymore......??

Kidding aside, maybe you just need a bit of a break. Leave the games be for a few months and then pick it up again. Perhaps that might help. It's also entirelly possible that your interests are changing. I used to love reading comics. Nowadays, I can hardly get through an issue or two without my mind wandering or worse, feeling bored. I've accepted the fact that I'm just no longer moved by the adventures of our friendly neighborhood Spiderman anymore.

Just because you enjoyed something at the age of 4 doesn't mean you have to enjoy them as much for the rest of your life. Feel free to pick up another hobby like exercise, cooking, dragboat racing, or whatever. You'd be amazed to learn how much fun there is to have outside the house.

As great as gaming might be, it has an isolating component which eventually catches up to you.
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I play very little now... I find myself playing just to look at the visuals sometimes... for example, I load up Crysis from time to time just to run around the island taking screenshots.
Yup when i was in my 20's i was huge into gaming now i could careless. You're maturing in a way you have yet experienced. I only play a handful of select games, GTA, RDR, My PS3 is dusty, i am waiting for TOR. But otherwise i hardly game at all anymore. I still have interest, but that's all it is.
it could also be that your preferences are starting to change, as well as the fact that alot of games comming out now are not very innovate. Many of the games that roll out today are just clones of whatever the last big title was, or the latest version of WWII .

Go out and find something bizzare and see what you think. Katamari for example, . play some games you've never even thought to give a second look to.

Failing that, take a break, and see. I went through somethnig simular at around age 25. it passed within a year or two. I still enjoy playing now. many of the same games i played previously, I go back through frequently. Though, now I generaly play most of my games with an auidence.
Thanks for all the input thus far guys.

It's weird for me take the new Red Dead for example. It was cool, the idea of being in the wild west appealed to me. I played it for a few days single player and online with some friends, even found myself stunned at how beautiful trotting on my horse in the desert at sunset was...but alas, I soon just lost the will to play. Maybe I'll try hoping back into it, ya know. But I find myself like yea that game looks like it would be cool, but I'm not sure I care enough to play it anymore.

My list for upcoming games was massive, now maybe 3 or 4 I'll get tops? Within the next year...
I find it interesting, and dissappointing, that many of the responses here pull out the tired and true "you're growing up" responce. This is a forum dedicated to collecting action figures for goodness sakes!

People can have any hobby at any age they want. The great part about gaming is that if you look hard enough there's something for everyone whether it's solitare, or Call of Duty.

The best advice is from those above saying to take a break. Only play games that really call to you; those of us who've played for a long time get to the point where it takes something really special to move us. But whatever you do, don't let people tell you you need to grow out of gaming.
I find it interesting, and dissappointing, that many of the responses here pull out the tired and true "you're growing up" responce. This is a forum dedicated to collecting action figures for goodness sakes!

People can have any hobby at any age they want. The great part about gaming is that if you look hard enough there's something for everyone whether it's solitare, or Call of Duty.

The best advice is from those above saying to take a break. Only play games that really call to you; those of us who've played for a long time get to the point where it takes something really special to move us. But whatever you do, don't let people tell you you need to grow out of gaming.

No one is telling him to grow out of gaming, they're saying his preferences and interests may be changing.

You're right about needing to take a break though. Starkiller, you don't need to worry about the fact that you're not completely interested in picking up a game and playing it. Whenever it comes to your attention you should just go with it. Gaming can still be part of your life but not take up the entirety of it!
I think ever since I graduated college a few years ago my gaming has definitely declined. I still pick up 3 to 4 games a year and USUALLY finish them but I cannot do the days where I would play games for 10-12 hours straight.

What works best for me is playing maybe an hour or two every other day to keep my interesting going.

Although with Starcraft 2 out I have been playing a lot lately, but it is Starcraft.
I haven't lost interest,i just spend more time with the interesting games rather than buy garbage and waste my time with them.
I enjoy playing games even though I am knocking on 40.
However I do go through long periods without picking up a controller. It does not mean you're changing or anything, it's just you are bored of gaming for a while and you want to do something else.
Eventually you may find that you want to game a lot again.

As for you are growing up, I don't agree. You don't really feel any different inside when you reach late 30's compared to how you were in your early twenties. There are plenty of gamers and collectors out there, that are my age and older
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