LOST discussion - thar be spoilers ahead!

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Anyone else have a bunch of people at the office today saying "I told you! They were dead the whole time".

Frickin morons. :slap:slap:slap

:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl i dont get why is it so hard to understand! even after Christian explains it! That what happened happened! and the Flash Sideways is purgatory. I guess its to much! :rotfl
I have to weigh in on my thoughts about the series finale, but first, I want to point out a couple things. I'm not one to hate on a show like this up front, and generally I understand the complexity with creating a satisfying end to anything, particularly a long running novel-like series. While I felt there were still a couple key questions to answer, I felt they'd get to them in the final 2.5 hours, no prob, since they seemed key to the final conflict. Sure, there's plenty of annoying smaller questions that may or may not be answered on a rewatch of the entire series (now that we know the end), but overall I was satisfied with where we were going in to the finale, and was pretty geeked about the conclusion. When Hurley said "I have a bad feeling about this", I should have been paying attention.

Yes, I am disappointed. Very. Not about the island scenes in the finale - I think they wrapped that up pretty well. I still have one major question left in my mind that I felt they needed to answer (why was smokey getting off the island such a big deal? How was that going to be the end of everything?) But the conflict played out well, Ben helping out Hurley felt right, and I can live with where the island universe ended.

But not the sideways universe. To find out that it meant NOTHING to the rest of the story - nothing to the island or it's mythos or Jacob and Smokey or ANYTHING - really pissed me off. There are so many holes and inconsistencies in the concept of this 'waiting room' to whatever afterlife awaits beyond that it's like a completely different show was being brought to us each week in between the island Lost scenes, and we didn't know it. There was so much potential for a cool alternate realtiy/ time travel show, with some sort of basis in science and logic, and they gave us Touched by an Angel.

BTW, the sideways universe ISN'T purgatory. Christian said it was a world they created to find themselves before moving on. But don't even get me started on the whole sideways thing - it's ridiculous. Who's perspective are we seeing it from? They all died at different times, so why are they all on the plane together? Aaron is a baby? Again, who's perspective is this from? Jack appears to be happy with his death, as though he's seeing what's the outcome, and yet he actually is then in the 'waiting room' unwilling to accept it until it's pretty much forced on him? The entire sideways universe was a poorly constructed story, almost like it was from different writers.

I was really looking forward to rewatching the boxed set with the new information gathered from the last dozen episodes. Not so much any more. Everything that happened in the sideways reality, and the entire "we're all dead and moving on" ending has NO bearing on any of the mysteries of the island. It has nothing to do with the time travel concepts set up with Faraday earlier, and it even makes some things more confusing - where did Desmond go when he was blasted by the hatch? Back in time? Another reality? (we don't even know if such a thing exists in the Lost realm any more) Or was he just dead for awhile, seeing things in that state in the 'waiting room'?

So yea, I'm disappointed. I hoped last night that after pondering it a bit, I'd get less disappointed - sadly, the opposite is happening. Hopefully the end spoke to some folks, but for me, it wasn't any better - and perhaps worse - than JR waking up in the shower.
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Great ending, I agree that looking back seems like they copped out a bit, but better than a Sopranos ending

So Ben Hurley and Desmond, lived on the island protecting it until there time came and then they met up with everyone to move on?
So yea, I'm disappointed. I hoped last night that after pondering it a bit, I'd get less disappointed - sadly, the opposite is happening. Hopefully the end spoke to some folks, but for me, it wasn't any better - and perhaps worse - than JR waking up in the shower.

This isn't a worse ending for the simple fact that we got 2 endings. One "worthless" one and one complete one. We know that it ended with MiB being defeated, Jack dying, and Hurley/Ben taking over the island. I understand being pissed that the whole sideways universe was just a waste of time but it doesn't mean the show didn't have a proper ending.
Perfect ending to an awesome show! :rock :yess: :hi5:

I was choked up and crying through many parts of the finale. Especially when Claire & Charlie and Juliet & James "awoke". :monkey2

I loved it when Hurley was talking to Ben about being the best "Number 2" and Hurley being the best "Number 1"...very touching moment for me. :clap

It's a very bittersweet ending. I'm gonna miss this show.
I really loved all of the emotional and touching "realization" moments in the episode, and the chance to see all of these beloved characters together again. But the last few minutes left me a bit cold. I was waiting all season for the explanation as to the connection between the two timelines, and the ultimate answer was vague enough that I don't believe there was a direct connection. Why was the Island seen at the bottom of the ocean? I have no idea, if this was a "purgatory" timeline. That bottom of the ocean shot set us up for something that wasn't quite delivered.

In reading some of the first few reviews of the finale, I came across this paragraph:

I kind of agree that in the end, the climax served primarily as a conclusion to the newly invented sideways storyline of season six, but not to the rest of the series itself. I was expecting an ending that would kind of place the entire series in a new light--that at the end of the finale, I would be saying, "So that's what the Island was all about." This ending doesn't explain or illuminate the importance or meaning or impact of the Island, or cause us to rewatch the entire series through a new lens--it just explains the significance of the "sideways timeline." (And not in an entirely clear way.) They wrote a great conclusion to the story we've been watching for the last four months instead of the one we've been watching for the past six years.

I understand the idea that the point of the entire series was just to bring these characters together so that they could forge a bond that would carry them through this life and into whatever lies beyond--that's a nice idea and hard to criticize (unless you are a supremely cynical person), but it does fail a bit as a resolution to the specific Island mysteries and questions of the past six years.

I have to weigh in on my thoughts about the series finale, but first, I want to point out a couple things. I'm not one to hate on a show like this up front, and generally I understand the complexity with creating a satisfying end to anything, particularly a long running novel-like series. While I felt there were still a couple key questions to answer, I felt they'd get to them in the final 2.5 hours, no prob, since they seemed key to the final conflict. Sure, there's plenty of annoying smaller questions that may or may not be answered on a rewatch of the entire series (now that we know the end), but overall I was satisfied with where we were going in to the finale, and was pretty geeked about the conclusion. When Hurley said "I have a bad feeling about this", I should have been paying attention.

Yes, I am disappointed. Very. Not about the island scenes in the finale - I think they wrapped that up pretty well. I still have one major question left in my mind that I felt they needed to answer (why was smokey getting off the island such a big deal? How was that going to be the end of everything?) But the conflict played out well, Ben helping out Hurley felt right, and I can live with where the island universe ended.

But not the sideways universe. To find out that it meant NOTHING to the rest of the story - nothing to the island or it's mythos or Jacob and Smokey or ANYTHING - really pissed me off. There are so many holes and inconsistencies in the concept of this 'waiting room' to whatever afterlife awaits beyond that it's like a completely different show was being brought to us each week in between the island Lost scenes, and we didn't know it. There was so much potential for a cool alternate realtiy/ time travel show, with some sort of basis in science and logic, and they gave us Touched by an Angel.

BTW, the sideways universe ISN'T purgatory. Christian said it was a world they created to find themselves before moving on. But don't even get me started on the whole sideways thing - it's ridiculous. Who's perspective are we seeing it from? They all died at different times, so why are they all on the plane together? Aaron is a baby? Again, who's perspective is this from? Jack appears to be happy with his death, as though he's seeing what's the outcome, and yet he actually is then in the 'waiting room' unwilling to accept it until it's pretty much forced on him? The entire sideways universe was a poorly constructed story, almost like it was from different writers.

I was really looking forward to rewatching the boxed set with the new information gathered from the last dozen episodes. Not so much any more. Everything that happened in the sideways reality, and the entire "we're all dead and moving on" ending has NO bearing on any of the mysteries of the island. It has nothing to do with the time travel concepts set up with Faraday earlier, and it even makes some things more confusing - where did Desmond go when he was blasted by the hatch? Back in time? Another reality? (we don't even know if such a thing exists in the Lost realm any more) Or was he just dead for awhile, seeing things in that state in the 'waiting room'?

So yea, I'm disappointed. I hoped last night that after pondering it a bit, I'd get less disappointed - sadly, the opposite is happening. Hopefully the end spoke to some folks, but for me, it wasn't any better - and perhaps worse - than JR waking up in the shower.

I did full quotes of you both, because this is exactly how I felt! I loved Jack's ending on the Island, but the sideways story just no longer made any sense to me. If it was from Jack's point of view, why did the other characters have to "awaken" to remember their past? If it was a "place" they all made to "meet each other" at the end, why didn't they just remember each other without help? Just not really a satisfying ending as far as the sideways story.

Also, it seems like we were flat out lied to by the creators when they've been saying since season one that it wasn't purgatory... they weren't dead... there would be "rational" explanation for everything (I really have to laugh at this one!!!)... etc. True, "the Island" may have been the "reality" and they weren't dead, but the final season pretty much revolved around the "purgatory" they created. Just disappointed somewhat...
Can't believe it is over. I thought the finale was great. I liked how they resolved the island story and thought it was great that Hurley, who I had been rooting for, took over protecting the island.

I thought the alternate timeline was something of a trick, but seeing all of the characters come together again and be at peace made it work for me.
I enjoyed the finale and I can live with the unanswered questions as they're open to interpretation and thus it gives the viewer a type of ownership over the show that wouldn't exist if everything was tied up in a neat little bow-- having said that there are only a couple of things that I wish had been clarified... Obviously the island was a "cork" keeping the bad/hell from escaping and allowing the light of life/heaven to exist, but when Jacob "killed" his brother (who even at the end was still not given a name) and tossed him down the cave-- what did he become??? And when the "cork" was removed by Desmond how did MiB revert to completely human (although locked in Locke's form, pardon the pun)? I'd also love to know why the Others took all of the children from the plane crash.

Anyway, I was happy with the ending. Causes more discussion-- and that's a good thing.
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I overall enjoyed the ending and most of the season. I stand firm that the sideways story was useless and I did not like it at all. There were some good moments in it but I did not think it added to the story at all and thought the time could have spent else where. Besides that it was a pretty good series finale.
I dont think the Sideways story was useless just filled with to many holes.Why was everyone waiting for Jack?? The ones that escaped on the plane werent dead yet, why would they be waiting for him?

Or was this well in the future when they had all died and he was the last to "let go"?
Great ending, I agree that looking back seems like they copped out a bit, but better than a Sopranos ending

So Ben Hurley and Desmond, lived on the island protecting it until there time came and then they met up with everyone to move on?

I don't think they necessarily had to stay on the island to protect it. Especially Desmond. Ben told Hurley that was "Jacobs way" and that he could handle it however he wanted. We just don't get to see what happens to them anymore.
Finally made it here...
I absolutely loved it!!!
Lots of questions obviously left un-answered, but this show was all about the characters... and their quest...
The scene when Jack is dying, lying in the floor... and sees the plane fly away was the one that really shook me...

It was an amazing ride...
Why does everyone keep referring to the finale as 2.5 hours, due to the "constant" commercials it was more like 1.5 hours of actual show time!!! :monkey4 :mad: :slap

Anyway, it was a meh ending for me; I am glad I can move on now, knowing how things wrapped up, but it wasn't anywhere near satisfying. I would agree that there was never any real danger to allowing the Man in Black off the island, or none that I felt. I couldn't agree more with the notion that the series finale was more of a finale for season 6; that is exactly the case, it merely wrapped up the sideways reality in hopes that would placate the remainder of questions.

Wasn't Jack the last to die? They were all waiting for him after all in the church. If so, are we now expected to go back through the seasons looking for where and when the LOSTies died?

When would Hurley have died, and who replaced him? Is there still a conflict on the island now that MiB is dead?

I fully expected to have questions after the wrap, but some are too fundamental to have been overlooked.

I dont think the Sideways story was useless just filled with to many holes.Why was everyone waiting for Jack?? The ones that escaped on the plane werent dead yet, why would they be waiting for him?

Or was this well in the future when they had all died and he was the last to "let go"?

I figured it was well into the future and Jack was the last to let go. Obviously some of them dead before others so they were all waiting around in this other place. I still think it was useless. :)
I dont think the Sideways story was useless just filled with to many holes.Why was everyone waiting for Jack?? The ones that escaped on the plane werent dead yet, why would they be waiting for him?

Or was this well in the future when they had all died and he was the last to "let go"?

They weren't waiting. Time didn't really exist in the sideways. Christian said to Jack that "some died before him and some died long after". The concept of time was no longer relevant to them.
I was not disappointed. We knew some things would not be answered so I can accept what we know and don't know. For me the best part of the finale was the characters, which in retrospect was what the whole show was about. Three moments stand out although there were others.
1) Hurley's reaction when Jack told him it was his job to watch the island. His indecision and and self doubt in that one minute made me misty.(One of many times last night I'm not afraid to admit)
2) Ben sitting outside the church at the end and his brief talk with Locke. A touching scene if ever there was one on the show. Ben finds his forgiveness and also a group of people who have accepted him. which makes his decision to stay behind more touching.
3) Jack's lonley death on the island. Yes, the dog was there, but the knowledge that Hurley and Ben were somewhere else on the island, and watching the plane with his friends fly overhead really amplified that solitude. He had come full circle and he faced his death alone as his friends flew of to whatever their destinies had in store for them.

Great stuff. It'll take alot to top this show IMO.
A good and very emotional ending,still alot of questions that remains unanswered but the one thing that annoyed me the most was how Locke died,he realized he had failed to bring back the candidates and ended up getting killed by Ben without discovering the secrets of the island like the remaining characters did,Locke deserved a more heroic ending than that instead of ending up as just a total failure.Don`t know about you but when i saw Jack down there putting the Rock back in and the light came back i pictured Locke the whole time...Wouldn`t that be a perfect ending for Locke?Finally Seeing the Heart of the Island,the one thing he was desperate to find all the time,what the Island was all about.

Jack needed to be convinced that there was something special about the island so i guess he is the most interesting characters of the show after you see the ending,how long he lived in denial,how much he had changed as a person,but finally realized that the Island was his destiny and ended up in the heart of the Island...Guess that makes a better ending,but i would love to see Locke in that position too.