The pic I omitted, I did because I thought it was not a good pic of her, maybe because of the angle, it made it look like her nostrils aren´t the same side, but on other pics from LOST they are symetrical. So even if she had a nose job, I suppose it was before LOST, and it´s Juliet from LOST who I wanna see on the sculpt, not Elizabeth Mitchell.
Example: (symetrical nostrils)
But maybe it´s just the angle of the pic (the sculpt one I mean) and/or the shadows.
Anyway, I know the sculptor and he is a professional. He´s very picky with his sculpts, always trying to reach perfection, so I´m sure if there´s really anything off, even if it´s just a little bit off, he will know and fix it so I´m not worried.
And I know he checks this board so if there was anything he could have missed he surely knows by now (or will now very soon) so he will fix it if he really thinks it needs to be fixed.
So come on!! I want my headsculpt for yesterday!
Edit: when I´m the age of Elizabeth I wanna look like her, she´s SO beautiful, so pretty. Please God, make me look like her when I´m older