LOST Juliet Burke Commission

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Well, I just dodged a bullet tonight! Got all excited that I got my printer back online (man those drivers are a pain in the butt sometimes), I dug out some old iron-on transfer paper I've had for a while. Sized up my Motor Pool Dharma logo and print it off along with a navy blue square with Juliet Motor Pool in white lettering. Then I remembered that I bought a canteen that I wanted to Dharma-fy. So I did up a little Swan Logo too and decided to iron it on the canvas canteen bag first. And wouldn't you know it, only the black part transferred. I check the packaging of the Transfer paper, and it's for 'light coloured' fabrics only so just the dark bits will transfer, none of my white bits. SO glad I didn't do the Coverall's first. PHEW!

So looks like I'm making a stop after work tomorrow... But then I'll be done my Juliet for now...

I just have to figure out an accessory or two. Clipboard with the manifest perhaps? Any other suggestions?
Nothing new yet. I've been dealing with my own stuff and haven't been able to keep on top of the sculptor as I normally would. I did send an e-mail about a week ago and was told pics should be coming soon. As soon as I have anything new, I'll put it up here!
Looking forward to it! :)

Now if I could only track down some Iron-On transfer paper for dark colours... seems to be sold out everywhere I check. I want to get Juliet all finished and ready to go so I can devote my attention to Hurley. :naughty








Tell me what you all think! Honestly, I’ve seen this thing so many times I can’t tell what I’m looking at anymore! Suggestions/feedback always welcome - she’s nearly done!
I think she looks great.
My only concern would be the ponytail and the way the head would fit to a body. It looks as though the ponytail might have to go out further to accommodate her back and shoulders.
Nice! I can't wait! One question though, what kind of figure is the head going to be able to connect too?

I picked up a HT female figure and I have an EVA preordered but I'm not even sure if it'll work with either of them. Anybody know?
I'm confident I'm the "odd man out", but I wish I could get a bald one so I could find a wig for it. I'm just a dolly girl; my girls gotta have hair... Other than that, I love the face and have no criticisms at all.
I'd appreciate a few more paint-trapping grooves on the longer hanging hank o'hair (her left, our right). Remarks about the pony tail concern me too, unless it is being cast separately in something flexible.

Lookin' real, real good. :clap
Hi mystolle - I will add you to the list!

Hey everyone! Thanks for the feedback:

re the ponytail: I agree, it looks like it might get in the way of the shoulders and back area - originally we had talked about having a more flexible material for the ponytail, if that is still in play it shouldn't be a problem. If not, I've asked that it be moved back a bit.

RE the body: It will be sculpted with no neck - it will stop just under the chin. It should be just fine with the HT female body and the Triad Eva

RE the hair curls: I've asked that they be more detailed.

RE the wig: That was on the table way back when I was thinking of having a few different hair styles sculpted, but ultimately I decided on what I think is the most iconic look.

I can’t stop focusing on the lips - maybe because they are a big part of her character (with the smirk), but they seem a bit too big. I’ve asked that they be toned down a bit. Also the nose, I’ve asked that the nostrils be looked at a bit more.

More as it develops!
You seem to know exactly what your doing dashopkinsfan. The ponytail thing has been addressed, as well as the detail (which may just be that the sculpt isn't finished). But it's looking spectacular! Keep crackin that whip!!! ;)