Why are there so many people saving their EXCLUSIVE and buying another reg Luke to open?
Collecting madness? Yes, I suffered from this well-known disease too. 3 3/4 inch figure madness since 1990. I finally gave it up in 2000 for my 12" collection...and now I have boxes upon boxes brimming with carded figures of every variation that I no longer get excited about, nor do I ever really enjoy them...plus they take up a tremendous amount of room. To make it worse, the 3" hype is over and I can't even sell them for what I bought them for in a lot of cases.
If you're really planning to sell your EX editions, do it while the hype is hot. Otherwise, you'll be carrying around those darn boxes for an eternity.
Good news for you savers -- I'm opening every EXCLUSIVE I can get my hands on.