1/6 Luke Skywalker: Red Five X-Wing Pilot Sixth Scale Figure

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Everyone should pre-order. Then cancel pre-order close to ship time. Then wait patiently for clearance bin.

YES!!! :rotfl:lol:lol

I wonder how many preorders they got.

Maybe we should let this thread sink and die. For show. I know its tempting to comment, but it would show more if it just died away the day of the preorder.

I'm done here.

OK, so post #1072's PLAN of ACTION worked well... :lol

I am all for it. 3^-2^-1^-see you in 2016 Spook (flatline) _____________________________________________________________________________
$240? For a Sideshow human release? Uhh. No. Sorry but that's waaaaay too much for something not at HT's level.

What about him is not at HT's level?

I'm not defending the price - but this is the most expensive license they've ever had and that contributes a lot to the pricing.
What about him is not at HT's level?

I'm not defending the price - but this is the most expensive license they've ever had and that contributes a lot to the pricing.
I think it looks good but the promo pictures from Sideshow particularly with their human characters do and the final products don't reflect what's initially shown. That and it is a pretty drastic price hike compared with the Luke and Han figures in their Hoth gear that just got announced last year. On top of everything the figure is fairly bare bones. I think if this was priced more in the $200 range or so more people would be accepting. Plus Sideshow has had the license for a long time so its a bit odd that they'd use that excuse after years of making Star Wars figures.
While I really like this figure and I did expect it to be higher than $240, I also expected to get a little more accessories with it.


Plus Sideshow has had the license for a long time so its a bit odd that they'd use that excuse after years of making Star Wars figures.

Yeah, maybe Lucasfilm sent SSC a letter tripling the rent after Disney bought out the building, but saying the licence is expensive doesn't quite make sense given they've had it ten years. The reality is we've gone from $50 Lukes to $250 Lukes in seven years (yes, SSC's Luke Bespin - with lightsaber and Blaster - was $55 in Dec 2007.)

Anyone else beginning to worry about the price of Threepio? My guess is that Tamashii price may not look so high when SSC 3PO eventually goes up for P.O. My guess is he goes up in the first two months of 2015 for $279.99 - R2's price is no guide for 3PO; way, way more complex character with less re-use potential and less desirable re-uses.

Biker Scout's $190, Luke X-Wing is $240... I feel like I woke up in the future.

And... since when did A FULL YEAR become the standard P.O. to ship date period?
I put this together from my parts bin tonight. I couldn't justify $315 (that's the total for us European collectors).
I'm happy with my kitbash

Sent from atop my Dewback.
I'd love a SSC rep to explain the justification in this being $50 more than the Biker Scout; and people felt that one was too much at $190.

Bottom line: it seems clear by many reactions that this is simply too much $ for what we are getting. Has SSC ever cancelled a preorder due to lack of interest?
I'd love a SSC rep to explain the justification in this being $50 more than the Biker Scout; and people felt that one was too much at $190.

Bottom line: it seems clear by many reactions that this is simply too much $ for what we are getting. Has SSC ever cancelled a preorder due to lack of interest?

Perhaps they chose the wrong figure to go sky-high on. It's not a true essential figure so able to be passed on - and the possibility of a Snowspeeder Luke from HT may play into people's planning.

It's a terrific release and I would have pulled the trigger at $199. Their own Hoth Luke is that price and it has a huge amount of gear/costume/accessories plus three headsculpts - and is also still just a pre-order.

Hoth Luke has an exclusive of a whole extra head with headgear... this X-Wing Luke's exclusive is hands with bunched up gloves.:lol
If Luke's price is any indication of license cost then Ssc panicked when Hot Toys got the star wars license and gave Disney whatever they wanted during renewel time. Ironically, its one of their better, if not the best, human efforts in terms of likeness- given its only the prototype we are seeing- now its not going to sell. They will have to bite the bullet and lower prices if they expect to compete with hot toys. Hot Toys has the competetive advantage over ssc in terms of quality which allows them to charge more. SSC competetive advantage was always good 1/6 at affordable prices. Now they raise prices to hot toys levels without proving they can compete with HT quality standard and expect their customers to accept it. Maybe they should just focus their resources on premium formats, maquettes and statues and forget the 1/6 game. If this is the price they have to charge to achieve target margins or to break even then someone needs to be fired for paying way to much for the license.

Yeah, maybe Lucasfilm sent SSC a letter tripling the rent after Disney bought out the building, but saying the licence is expensive doesn't quite make sense given they've had it ten years. The reality is we've gone from $50 Lukes to $250 Lukes in seven years (yes, SSC's Luke Bespin - with lightsaber and Blaster - was $55 in Dec 2007.)

Anyone else beginning to worry about the price of Threepio? My guess is that Tamashii price may not look so high when SSC 3PO eventually goes up for P.O. My guess is he goes up in the first two months of 2015 for $279.99 - R2's price is no guide for 3PO; way, way more complex character with less re-use potential and less desirable re-uses.

Biker Scout's $190, Luke X-Wing is $240... I feel like I woke up in the future.

And... since when did A FULL YEAR become the standard P.O. to ship date period?

About 2 years ago it was renegotiated with a much higher license fee.
Has SSC ever cancelled a preorder due to lack of interest?

About 2 years ago it was renegotiated with a much higher license fee.

But isn't that simply because of new movies (and the massive advertising dollar/visibility support,) meaning WAY more income from the licence? Meaning prices shouldn't necessarily rise hugely (which they already have) because in theory you sell way more product? There hasn't been any mainline Star Wars releases since SSC first got the licence.

It's like saying you pay a certain amount for an Indy merchandising licence in 2002 with nothing to support it, then are somehow surprised it is a lot more in 2007 with a new Indy movie a year or so away and everyone hungry for Indy merchandise :)lol or so they thought.)