1/6 Luke Skywalker: Red Five X-Wing Pilot Sixth Scale Figure

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Well... I PO'd it. The portrait and the suit look outstanding. If it comes out looking as stunning as the prototype, it will be one of the best 1:6 scales Luke' figures we've ever seen.
Just crossing my fingers that it doesn't lose anything on the way through production.....

Now the price...no matter if it's Marvel, DC or Disney/Lucasfilm....these things are only going to go up. Not fun, just a fact.
Well... I PO'd it. The portrait and the suit look outstanding. If it comes out looking as stunning as the prototype, it will be one of the best 1:6 scales Luke' figures we've ever seen.
Just crossing my fingers that it doesn't lose anything on the way through production.....

Now the price...no matter if it's Marvel, DC or Disney/Lucasfilm....these things are only going to go up. Not fun, just a fact.


We don't have to like it but we do need to acknowledge it.
One thing about these price increases I hope happens....and it'll seem idiotic to some but...I hope Sideshow ups the ante with the packaging/presentation.
They did a great job last year giving us distinctive boxes with character-specific designs that looked cool. I really liked the Grievous and Deluxe Vader boxes. I think they did something cool with the Prototype Fett too (didn't get that one yet).

Again...it may seem like a small thing to some, but a lot of the fun of these figures for me is the presentation...and since the prices are escalating, it'd be welcome to see them move away from the repetitive, generic boxes of the past....just a thought....
Is it really any surprise that the prices have increased when the writing, IMO, has been on the wall for months? And it's not just Sideshow increasing their prices.

HT's Chewbacca was very fairly priced at $255. It's a technically complex, breakthrough 1/6 figure many (most) said couldn't be done.

And it's $15 more than this basic Luke.

Even SSC's own Vader DX figure was only $10 more.

Even SSC's Hoth Luke - with THREE heads - is $40 LESS than this.

I would have called the Scout Trooper's price a "surprise" - this I would call something else.:lol


We don't have to like it but we do need to acknowledge it.

We also don't have to buy it. At least at full price. These prices will eventually reach that point, if they haven't already. As I've said, they probably picked the worng version of Luke to go this high on. They could have included a full head, separate helmet and helmeted head to make the price a little easier to take, but it's a "clamshell" and single head.
I really thought with this release Sideshow was going to really do something special. Based on R2's surprise price and the Hoth Luke price with all its accessories

I was thinking sideshow would stun everyone in the hobby and bring us this awesome figure at a reasonable price. Carving their own niche with high quality, minimal accessories at a very reasonable price to counter balance Hot Toys' coming in to the Star Wars market.

I can't believe how massively they blew this opportunity to differentiate themselves and please the fans.
HT's Chewbacca was very fairly priced at $255. It's a technically complex, breakthrough 1/6 figure many (most) said couldn't be done.

And it's $15 more than this basic Luke.

Even SSC's own Vader DX figure was only $10 more.

Even SSC's Hoth Luke - with THREE heads - is $40 LESS than this.

I would have called the Scout Trooper's price a "surprise" - this I would call something else.:lol

But some people still complained about the price in each example you made. Including Chewie. :lol

We also don't have to buy it. At least at full price. These prices will eventually reach that point, if they haven't already. As I've said, they probably picked the worng version of Luke to go this high on. They could have included a full head, separate helmet and helmeted head to make the price a little easier to take, but it's a "clamshell" and single head.

I didn't say anyone had to. I said we just have to acknowledge that prices have been steadily going up for awhile now.

I agree with you, if one doesn't like the price then don't buy it.
Me too....but enought with the teases already...put it up, Sideshow! :)



HT's Chewbacca was very fairly priced at $255. It's a technically complex, breakthrough 1/6 figure many (most) said couldn't be done.

And it's $15 more than this basic Luke.

Even SSC's own Vader DX figure was only $10 more.

Even SSC's Hoth Luke - with THREE heads - is $40 LESS than this.
Dave said that the newly negotiated license was much more expensive than the previous one, so I guess that accounts for some of the increases in SSC's own prices. Someone else said this figure has a new body, which could also contribute. But the fact that he is so expensive relative to Hot Toys suggests that SSC is relatively inefficient. This isn't news though.
What the **** is with the price of this? Bare bones release for $240? Attach Porkins in a double pack for that money and we'll talk.
Man, threezero is a breath of fresh air with their $130-$160 shipped GoT figures. Even if they do make the ugliest hands in the industry. :lol.

This was my first thought, as well. But I have no doubt threezero's prices will slowly come up if the line is successful.
But some people still complained about the price in each example you made. Including Chewie. :lol

That was then (before a $240 basic Luke)... this is now.:lol

And anyone who complained about the Chewy price (didn't see that in the Chewy thread during announcement though - price actually seemed below what people were thinking) needs their head examined.

$250 for a furred Chewbacca is the greatest deal in 1/6 collecting in years. Check the swinging pendulum of minor elation to broken dreams of the custom Chewy thread.:lol
What about him is not at HT's level?

I'm not defending the price - but this is the most expensive license they've ever had and that contributes a lot to the pricing.

The most apparent thing would be the paint, but it's not new news that SSC human sculpts have a ways to go before the reach HT production quality (they're even WAY further away from HT proto quality). Next would be that incredibly cheap stand. I think the real glove design wasn't great the first time on Vader, and IMO it would've been better to go sculpted than to try it a second time. The rest of the figure looks good. Really good. The only thing that I'd say is that HT may have went with a more accurate thinner material, and SS's looks to be a little thicker and stiffer than should be (isn't the jumpsuit supposed to be a material more similar to the Breaking Bad Hazmat suits? A little thin with a bit of sheen to it?)

All in all I don't think that anyone can say SS hasn't come a long way with their SW line since their $60 figure days (I can't speak for the Joe's and other lines that I don't own, but I don't hear the best critiques on them). But as much as I like all of their recent SW pieces that I went for (E-Web, IG-88, Bossk, Tusken, Snowy, ESB Vader, Probe Droid), they're missing something that just makes them fall a notch short of HT quality. IMO the Probot is the best SW piece that SS has given us yet

They still are a couple of steps behind HT, but they're starting to ask HT prices....

Is it really any surprise that the prices have increased when the writing, IMO, has been on the wall for months? And it's not just Sideshow increasing their prices.


We don't have to like it but we do need to acknowledge it.

It's not new news, and I think that everyone IS acknowledging the existence of price hikes. It's that people are starting not to accept it.

What it boils down to is bang for buck which will be determined by comparing things to all other current PO's, and PO's of say the past year... and this set just does not add up any way you slice it.

Like I said before, the price hikes to quality advancement ratio was balanced for awhile, but the major advancements really started to plateau a couple of years ago. So if today's figure isn't significantly better than something of 2 years ago, why are retail prices still steadily on the rise? It gets to the point where it stops making sense and blatantly feels like companies are taking advantage of the rabid customer's addiction.