Pretty sure Supes fried him with his heat vision when no one was looking.
Casper the friendly ghost (the one with Christina Ricci and Bill Pullman)
Break out the spray paint.
Mid 90's?
I saw Avengers twice, because my wife wanted to see it after I had seen it early (only to avoid spoilers from jerks on the forum). . .hard to remember the others, but there weren't many. I saw Memento twice for sure, and for some reason saw Stargate 4 times (at least two of those at the Dollar Theater, though). Saw Superman Returns twice, as I took my nephew after I had seen it initially. I also saw Lord of the Rings Pt. 1 twice, but only because I was out of the country once looking for something to pass the time, this was probably a year or two after its initial release. I saw the original Jedi when I was 3ish, and then the Special Edition as a teen, if that counts. And I saw a Ghostbusters re-release two separate times. I think that's it. Actually more than I thought.I've only ever seen 2 films twice in the cinema that I can remember, and it was just happenstance, not a deliberate choice on my part
Return of the Jedi Special Edition and Casper the friendly ghost (the one with Christina Ricci and Bill Pullman)
I wanna see this over and over just to detox from superhero movies.
Guitar guy was a waste.