Maglor’s Menagerie

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Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography

I couldn't resist :)

Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography

^^^Thanks Coco. I'm really glad I bought him. And when I get my replacement boot next week he'll be mint. :)

Is that Batman the first version or the second version on the pic above?

Also what cape is used? I've got the second original batman and the cape is too thick too settle properly.

Second version.

You might want to get an Iforigno cape...
But take care, as far as I know there are at least 3 different models to choose from.

^^^What he said.

I'm using lforigno's original Batman Begins cape, which is the longest pne he made. It's longer than what we usually see n camera, but I think it looks badass. :)

I couldn't resist :)


Holy Crap! :thud: I love it! :rock

Too bad about the crooked belt. :lol :gah:

Definitely posting this in the official thread. :D
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Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography

ThunderCats Lion-O

by: Bandai










I have cleaned up the wrist and ankle joints in a few of these. The third picture shows the whole figure with the joints untouched.​
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Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography










I don't generally buy small scale figures anymore, but I just thought it was so cool that they released a classic Lion-O figure.

It might not be worth the $17 they are charging, but I'm glad I bought it. It made for a fun photo-shoot. :)
Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography

Love looking through this thread at your photos. Those Batman pics are still some of my favorite 1/6 scale pics of a figure ever. Especially Neo's shopped one.

What camera and set up are you using? (I know taking pics is so much more then a good set-up, but it's a start).
Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography

Thought I'd ask you this; where can I find Takara Bat's Gauntlets Mag? Tried the bay but couldn't find them, only complete figures. Guess it has become a rarity now. Any suggestion much appreciated :wave
Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography

wow those ThunderCats 's pics really rocks :rock
Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography

Love the figures from "The Eye of the Beholder." Huge Twilight Zone guy here! :rock

Thanks! Those were purchased about 10 years ago, way back in the infancy of my 1/6th collecting. :D

Wow, fantastic.

Thanks. And thanks for stopping in. :duff

Love looking through this thread at your photos. Those Batman pics are still some of my favorite 1/6 scale pics of a figure ever. Especially Neo's shopped one.

What camera and set up are you using? (I know taking pics is so much more then a good set-up, but it's a start).

Thanks man.

I am using a Panasonic point and shoot:


It's the Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ5.

The thing I like about my camera is that it has a 10X optical zoom, which means I can go across the room and zoom all the way in and fill the screen with the figure - which is what I do in most of my pics. This eliminates lens distortion (fish-eye syndrome), and it narrows the depth of field, which blurs the background. I would think that even a 3 or 4X zoom could be used in the same way.

I don't generally use the full automatic setting. I tweak it this way:

  • ISO - 100
  • Max shutter speed - 1 second (that's the longest I can make it. :monkey2)
  • White Balance - varies depending on what I'm going for. For example the "Halogen" setting will make the picture have more blue tones, whereas the "Shade" setting will make it more yellow. Often I will just use AWB (auto white balance).

I use lower lighting for most of my pics. It helps sell the scale in my opinion, and it makes for nice shadowing. Most of my pics are lit only by my computer monitor. Occasionally I will use multiple light sources (like a flashlight).

All my "artsy" pics are taken using a tripod. That is honestly the single most important factor in taking nice sharp pics. No way those long shutter speeds will work without a tripod. I don't care how steady your hand is. I think that most point and shoot cameras will take a very nice picture, even on full auto, as long as you are using a tripod.

So again... use a tripod!!!

Thought I'd ask you this; where can I find Takara Bat's Gauntlets Mag? Tried the bay but couldn't find them, only complete figures. Guess it has become a rarity now. Any suggestion much appreciated

I think you would have to buy the whole figure. I haven't seen him parted out. I saw one for sale here for $95. I posted a link to it in the Bruce Wayne/Batman thread a few days ago. I wouldn't expect to pay less than that.

The nice thing is that the Hot Toys gauntlets look decent on the Takara figure as well, so you can swap them out and still get use out of both figures.

My next post here will show the Takara figure with the HT gauntlets. :)

Awesome pic and pose!!!
This looks like a really cool figure

Thanks! Actually, that's my least favorite pic of the bunch, but I knew I had to show the obligatory "HOOO!" pose. :lol

wow those ThunderCats 's pics really rocks :rock

Thanks man. :hi5:

I don't know why, but its the cheapest figures that I have the most fun photographing. :D
Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography

Here's the Takara with the Hot Toys gauntlets:



I have a V1 Bruce Wayne head on the way to put on this figure. It has the hair slicked down more and works better with a balaclava. Right now it has the Takara BW head and it looks all lumpy under the mask. :/

Once the new head comes, I'll decide if I need to get a different balaclava, and then I'll futz it just right and take some better pics. :peace
Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography

I think you would have to buy the whole figure. I haven't seen him parted out. I saw one for sale here for $95. I posted a link to it in the Bruce Wayne/Batman thread a few days ago. I wouldn't expect to pay less than that.

The nice thing is that the Hot Toys gauntlets look decent on the Takara figure as well, so you can swap them out and still get use out of both figures.

My next post here will show the Takara figure with the HT gauntlets. :)

Thanks a lot Mag! I'll start my search for a Takara Bat (at a good price!) now. The HT gauntlets sure look good on Takara! :)

Must compliment about the way you workaround and try to get the best out of your figures! :wave
Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography

Thanks man.

I am using a Panasonic point and shoot:


It's the Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ5.

The thing I like about my camera is that it has a 10X optical zoom, which means I can go across the room and zoom all the way in and fill the screen with the figure - which is what I do in most of my pics. This eliminates lens distortion (fish-eye syndrome), and it narrows the depth of field, which blurs the background. I would think that even a 3 or 4X zoom could be used in the same way.

I don't generally use the full automatic setting. I tweak it this way:

  • ISO - 100
  • Max shutter speed - 1 second (that's the longest I can make it. :monkey2)
  • White Balance - varies depending on what I'm going for. For example the "Halogen" setting will make the picture have more blue tones, whereas the "Shade" setting will make it more yellow. Often I will just use AWB (auto white balance).

I use lower lighting for most of my pics. It helps sell the scale in my opinion, and it makes for nice shadowing. Most of my pics are lit only by my computer monitor. Occasionally I will use multiple light sources (like a flashlight).

All my "artsy" pics are taken using a tripod. That is honestly the single most important factor in taking nice sharp pics. No way those long shutter speeds will work without a tripod. I don't care how steady your hand is. I think that most point and shoot cameras will take a very nice picture, even on full auto, as long as you are using a tripod.

So again... use a tripod!!!

Thanks a lot for the tips Mag! All my pics wind up looking like toys. I am always looking to take pics that don't look like figures. Thanks again! :rock
Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography

Bruce Wayne/Batman (2011)

Part 2






