Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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Re: The Man of Steel

I like the suit.

I know people prefer the traditional red undies but I for one am glad he doesn't have them. It's not "modern" for this time and era to have those and it just looks silly. I'm sure they could be clever and do some red stripes or whatever along the thighs to indicate them but I'm not missing them.

The important thing is that they got what counts on the Superman suit and if the movie turns out to be great, then the last thing people are going to be worrying about is whether he had the red underwear or not.

Kind of like Transformers. people were bi**hin' about the designs and Optimus Prime having a mouth. Once the movie came out, people stopped complaining and commented how well done it turned out to be.

If the movie is close to Nolan-Batman good...or even comes close to recent comic movies like Iron Man and Spidey 2, then at least DC has finally done something right.
Re: The Man of Steel

I would prefer the red trunks myself. Like Bardon said if the movie is great. I can easlly over look the trunks. I have been a fan for 41 years and counting.
Re: The Man of Steel

Wow, after first seeing pictures of him in the suit, I thought it was fan-made.

I think it looks pretty cool on him, but the hair looks just a little bit strange. Can't put my finger on it...
Re: The Man of Steel

Very interesting....


I wonder if the Batman reboot will lean towards the New 52 as well...

Although there are certain aspects of the costume I think should remain true to the original, including the red shorts, I rather like this design here. Much more so than the pics of the movie suit I've seen so far.
Re: The Man of Steel

Another look at the New 52 drawn by a different artist, a look that I really think inspired this suit...Notice there isn't a traditional spitcurl there either...

Re: The Man of Steel

I actually like the suit minus the trunks... there's no reason that Supes shouldn't get a bit of an upgrade every now and again. I'm far more interested in this movie being great than just another bad Superman film. There's always room for improvement and growth. We all live with that in our daily lives. There will always be the classic Superman, and it's just that classic... of course this is all IMO. That being said, Iron Man, Batman, Roth Superman, Thor, Capt. America, X-men and Spider-Man all have gone thru some sort of costume change! I'm for giving it a chance...:)

Oh, GL just sucked, and it wasn't the suit design, it was a bad script, and poor choice of story.... the costume was great!
Re: The Man of Steel

I do not take the credit for this. Found this fan made poster on I like it alot.
Re: The Man of Steel

Just saw Sucker Punch. Snyder is not right for this movie.

Bull____ing____ he's not.

He can direct action. Superman needs action. Done deal.

Superman needs to kill ____. Break it. Destroy it. I dont care if it's human or not...he needs to never battle Lex Luthor again, unless he's ready to shove his fist through the back of his skull.

No more saving people. Start punching some mother ____ers.
Re: The Man of Steel


Well - I have serious reservations about Zach Snyder but the only reason i'm confident he'll do a good job with this is the guidance of Nolan and the fact that the story is written by Nolan and Goyer.
Re: The Man of Steel

Bull____ing____ he's not.

He can direct action. Superman needs action. Done deal.

Superman needs to kill ____. Break it. Destroy it. I dont care if it's human or not...he needs to never battle Lex Luthor again, unless he's ready to shove his fist through the back of his skull.

No more saving people. Start punching some mother ____ers.

What action exactly are you refering too? If you mean slo-mo/speed ramped/over-cranked/80's pop video stuff? That's music promo stuff. The action in Sucker Punch was awful. Cheesy awkward and stilted. 300: it worked because it was new and fitted the stylized look of the subject matter. Watchmen, which I liked, still didn't have any good action scenes (apart from a few more slow-mo punches and high kicks). So where does that leave us?

There is nothing in his movies to suggest he is capable of doing a good job with this. Dawn of the Dead was actually the most promising, from a talent point of view, out of the whole bunch.
Re: The Man of Steel

The action in sucker punch sucked major ass. I hated it. Actually preferred the scenes back in the burlesque/hospital.
Re: The Man of Steel

What action exactly are you refering too? If you mean slo-mo/speed ramped/over-cranked/80's pop video stuff? That's music promo stuff. The action in Sucker Punch was awful. Cheesy awkward and stilted. 300: it worked because it was new and fitted the stylized look of the subject matter. Watchmen, which I liked, still didn't have any good action scenes (apart from a few more slow-mo punches and high kicks). So where does that leave us?

There is nothing in his movies to suggest he is capable of doing a good job with this. Dawn of the Dead was actually the most promising, from a talent point of view, out of the whole bunch.

I have to agree with all of this :lecture Sucker Punch was the worst movie I have bothered to watch in ages. My faith is in Nolan and company.
Re: The Man of Steel

Let's give the guy a chance guys...Every director has their ups and downs in their career, good and bad....Sure it helps the odds of the movie being good that Nolan and Goyer are behind it...But let's see what Snyder can do...He might surprise us...
Re: The Man of Steel

No ____, how many people here doubted Joe Johnston with Captian America and now are eating crow?
Re: The Man of Steel

No ____, how many people here doubted Joe Johnston with Captian America and now are eating crow?

Cap is so over rated. I found it a bit of a snooze fest. Best bits were in trailers and it came across camp and cheesy.