Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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Re: The Man of Steel

We're talking about a human looking alien who's super strong, invulnerable, can fly and shoot laser beams from his eyes, and we have to find a real world justification for red trunks?

I was gonna say that but that argument has been done to death lol.:rotfl
Re: The Man of Steel

I don't undrstand the obsession with making superheroes "realistic" when there's nothing remotely realsitic about them aside from maybe guys like Batman or the Punisher. Embrace the absurdity.
Re: The Man of Steel

Well a lot of them deal with real world issues and are placed in a realistic world. Especially Superman. He lives on Earth. He deals with everyday things. Yah sure there is always some super villain that gets in his way, but he is on earth. He is supposed to be a protector of a real world, our world. So i dont see how Superman should not be part of a realistic world unless you want him fighting weird aliens in some other galaxy or something?:)

I never understood this "realistic" argument why people are against it. X-Men, Spiderman, Hulk, Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, etc etc...all these superheroes are supposed to be in a realistic world. Its really themselves who are not realistic, and also some of the villains...
Um they are not placed in a real world, not in the comics at least. Sure in the movies, but in the comics no. I mean sure they are in New York for marvel, but when the DC universe was literally universes merged, it kinda becomes about semantics. And I kinda agree, maybe with Batman, or some of the more human characters, you could definitely make the realistic argument, but when its comes to Superman? It just won't work out as well. He and Thor have the same exact issues when it comes to the big screen. They are just waaaay too out there to scale down realistically to The Dark Knight's level. Or even Iron Man's.

Reason why I'm against the ultra-realistic side of things is because they take away the grandeur and fantastical elements of some of the heroes we see on big screen. At least sometimes. Thats what made Thor so astonishing in the comic book genre. They took one of the most fantastical and ornamental superheroes out there and embraced it. We saw Asgard in all its splendor, the Destroyer, the vault of weapons, friggin Frost Giants, and it all worked and made Thor another top notch superhero film. :clap:clap:clap.

I just really hope they do that for this movie, which is to embrace it and not make it dark and trendy just because the Dark Knight was such a success, or for any ulterior motive other than to make a great SUPERMAN movie. From what I read they are on the right track (Birthright), but I still wish they included the trunks lol. But its not a deal breaker for me.
Re: The Man of Steel

Well a lot of them deal with real world issues and are placed in a realistic world. Especially Superman. He lives on Earth. He deals with everyday things. Yah sure there is always some super villain that gets in his way, but he is on earth. He is supposed to be a protector of a real world, our world. So i dont see how Superman should not be part of a realistic world unless you want him fighting weird aliens in some other galaxy or something?:)

I never understood this "realistic" argument why people are against it. X-Men, Spiderman, Hulk, Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, etc etc...all these superheroes are supposed to be in a realistic world. Its really themselves who are not realistic, and also some of the villains...

also when you go too extreme with an unrealistic world, you get Superman 3, Superman 4, Batman Forever, Batman & Robin, Spiderman 3, some of the worst comic book movies ever in my opinion :)
Well Batman Forever and Batman & Robin were just executed poorly, the plot themselves weren't bad. Superman 3 and 4 I didn't see and Spiderman 3 actually counters your argument. Sandman was great in that film and he stuck to the comic roots however hobgoblin or whoever he was, was horrible and they made an obvious effort to make Harry look realistic as a villain.
Re: The Man of Steel

Now that we have a clear view of the suit,i don't like it at all.Boring design and just too simple.Definitely needs more red.
Re: The Man of Steel

who knows ..the suit is not great.. he looks very uncomfortable in that suit..not a original story line.. it's already been done.. can't wait for the studio to lose this license..but it will probably be a hit because no one knows how desperate and unoriginal hollywood is anymore..yeah we got rise of the planet of the apes and super8 this year.but look at the remakes..straw dogs,fright night, footloose..what's next.
Re: The Man of Steel

I agree with everything you said except for the stuff about Superman not being in the real world. 100% he lives on a real world Earth. Yes he came from an alien planet, but his Earth he is protecting is very real. Read the early comics, everything he deals with are real world situations. Mostly robbers, thieves, kid nappers, abusive husbands, etc etc all very realistic stuff. One of the early stories is about miners about how their boss was treating his workers and Superman taught the boss a lesson on treating his workers in a respectful way...

Yes over the 70 years hes battled other forces from different worlds, but he was created back in the 30s to deal with real world issues that was happening here, in our world. Especially in 1930s with the World Wars happening and the depression, Superman was imagined to be like a savior to the real world. If there was only a Superman that could protect us all...thats one of the reasons Siegel & Shuster created him.
I would agree with you, thats what the Golden Age Superman did, but this is the modern age Superman, who mind you, still wore trunks. This being based off Birthright already places it in a very unrealistic setting. I think Garth Ennis said it best, something along the lines of "You want plausibility rather than realism. The medium being superhero comics is already unrealistic, but you can still make stories plausible." (Not a direct quote but the gist of what he said). Thats why I think Birthright would be a nice jumping off point for a new Superman take. The story isn't gritty realistic like the Dark Knight, but its plausible, and I think you would enjoy it.
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Re: The Man of Steel

Well of course any movie that is executed poorly is going to be bad, but there was so much wrong with those Batman films. I have not one good thing to say about them. Acting was horrible, the stories were terrible in my mind. And a lot of people who worked on those films said that the execs at WB basically wanted as many characters and villains stuffed into these movies as possible for merchandising, they cared nothing about the story or acting. Once they start doing that, most likely the movies are going to terrible. And they were....Even Clooney himself jokes saying he killed the Batman franchise. But Kilmer was pretty awful too.

I didn't like anything about Spiderman 3 at all...And i actually never saw the entire thing. I watched about 30 min of it and I couldnt sit through it anymore.

with all this said, we all have our own opinions of these movies, so what I like, isnt necessarily what others like. And going back n forth about it isnt going to change either of us minds. You want more unrealistic, i want more realism....neither of us are wrong :) Its all in good fun.
To be honest I am bit biased in that post cause I did enjoy Clooney's Batman lol. And who couldn't love the Arnie mister freeze? :lol But yeah they were terrible, but I blame it more on Tim Burton than the actual fantastical elements they presented.
Re: The Man of Steel

who knows ..the suit is not great.. he looks very uncomfortable in that suit..not a original story line.. it's already been done.. can't wait for the studio to lose this license..but it will probably be a hit because no one knows how desperate and unoriginal hollywood is anymore..yeah we got rise of the planet of the apes and super8 this year.but look at the remakes..straw dogs,fright night, footloose..what's next.

'Rise of the Planet of the Apes' is original? :lol
Re: The Man of Steel

I just want Superman to look like he did before the stupid reboots.I dont see why they think that new readers will come aboard with these changes.The only people reading comics are the ones already reading them.When you mess with that is usually turns faitful readers off.
Re: The Man of Steel

The only people reading comics are the ones already reading them.

That is precisely why DC is taking this risk. The industry has been on a steady decline for years, and we're at a point now where people already reading comics cannot sustain the industry.

DC is betting that people who already read comics will continue to do so, and the buzz surrounding the new 52 will bring in some new readers. If current readers stop buying, that's the risk they needed to take in order to survive.
Re: The Man of Steel

costume just looks too cosplay to me, maybe when i see it in action i'll like it more but its hard to imagine its real at the moment. really needs to break up the blue around his waist somehow too
Re: The Man of Steel

It is kinda funny to hear people talk about the suit and saying it will look good on film with editing and certain lighting and if you smoke it up before seeing it:panic:
If you need all that, then the suit is obviously not that great. Same thing with dating an ugly girl only in the dark while you are intoxicated while with her.
Re: The Man of Steel

problem for me is that i dont think the stills from the new set dont look any better or more real than some fan made costumes from fancy dress photos. im open to a new take on supes dont get me wrong, but i just cant "see it" yet. that will probably change as soon as some official clips are shown.
Re: The Man of Steel

I just want Superman to look like he did before the stupid reboots.

Re: The Man of Steel

I think it's funny that the only difference between this and the New 52 is the belt.

Red Belt = Comic Book.
Yellow Belt = Movie.

Literally they couldn't just make them match up? Meh. I like the new costume especially because it differenciates itself from the others before it. Christopher Reeve had his look, Brandon Routh had his that was slightly different, Cavill has his that is radically different. If its successful people won't care, if it isn't successful then it'll go away quickly and with another going sometime in the future we'll get something else.
Re: The Man of Steel

I think it's funny that the only difference between this and the New 52 is the belt.

Red Belt = Comic Book.
Yellow Belt = Movie.

Literally they couldn't just make them match up? Meh. I like the new costume especially because it differenciates itself from the others before it. Christopher Reeve had his look, Brandon Routh had his that was slightly different, Cavill has his that is radically different. If its successful people won't care, if it isn't successful then it'll go away quickly and with another going sometime in the future we'll get something else.

We could always post the Nick Cage pics again whenever someone starts complaining about Cavill's outfit.
Re: The Man of Steel

I'm still surprised that no one is really complaining about the fact that Henry Cavill isn't American. First non-American to play Superman.