Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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Re: The Man of Steel

I like Zimmer's music but there's no way his Superman theme will surpass Williams'. It'll be good I'm sure, but not "SUPERMAN". You can practically hear "Superman" in Williams' theme.

I'm sure it will be similar to his Batman themes. Good, even great in some parts but still generic sounding compared to Danny Elfman and Shirly Walker.
Re: The Man of Steel

I feel sorry for anyone having to write a new Superman theme. That would be like writing a new theme for Star Wars or Indiana Jones.
Re: The Man of Steel

I think they should use the original theme as well.

James Bond movies have used variations of the Bond themes for 50 years.
Re: The Man of Steel

I think they should use the original theme as well.

James Bond movies have used variations of the Bond themes for 50 years.

As much as I love the old theme, unlike Bond where all the movies have some kind of continuity among the movies, this would be a whole new series, with a whole new world, so It should have it's own theme. It should try to distance itself from the reeve's film's or it will suffer the same fate as SR
Re: The Man of Steel

I agree to an extent. But the theme is hardly the thing that doomed SR. They could still use the awesome Williams theme and have a successful movie.
Re: The Man of Steel

The Superman theme is more iconic than the movie itself. Not using the theme would be dumber than casting Nic Cage and putting him in a crazy space suit getup.
Re: The Man of Steel

I think you guys are forgetting how ridiculously talented Mr. Zimmer is.

While not as good a comparison, I think Danny Elfman's Batman theme was also very iconic, and with BATS furthering it's exposure, it was really the established Batman theme bar none.

Hans Zimmer totally changed that with his work on BB and TDK.

Now I agree William's Superman theme is more iconic than Elfman's Batman theme ever was, nevertheless, I think the Superman franchise needs a totally fresh approach - that means they need to look at everything afresh, including the theme.
Re: The Man of Steel

I like Zimmer's music but there's no way his Superman theme will surpass Williams'. It'll be good I'm sure, but not "SUPERMAN". You can practically hear "Superman" in Williams' theme.

:exactly: :goodpost:

They should stick with William's original theme. Too iconic and, well, perfect.
Re: The Man of Steel

Well it won't matter for me anyway, because Christopher Reeve is Superman to me and always will be.

Seeing as his movies are with that theme, that is Superman's theme and always will be.

Not saying that Zimmer won't come up with greatness, but it won't change anything for me.
Re: The Man of Steel

While not as good a comparison, I think Danny Elfman's Batman theme was also very iconic, and with BATS furthering it's exposure, it was really the established Batman theme bar none.

Hans Zimmer totally changed that with his work on BB and TDK.

I remember a while back people would say something along the lines that Zimmer's Batman theme sucks because they can't hum it. I can totally hum those themes.

How can someone not like Molossus, I'm Not a Hero, Why So Serious and a bunch of others?

But when you compare them to say, Attack of the Batwing, Charge of the Batmobile or any of the BTAS tracks then Zimmer's work isn't really that memorable.

They're just too grand and iconic to touch, especially the Superman theme. Every now and then I catch Superman theme wannabes, like they try and sound like it and it just doesn't work. The most recent example would be Hancock I think.

I just can't see Zimmer creating an "iconic" theme when you already have that with the '78 music. Not having that score is like not having Superman wear his red and blue costume or not having his cape. He's going to have a tough time capturing that "Truth, justice and the American way" boy scout essence of Superman since it's been perfected.
Re: The Man of Steel

Well it won't matter for me anyway, because Christopher Reeve is Superman to me and always will be.

Seeing as his movies are with that theme, that is Superman's theme and always will be.

Not saying that Zimmer won't come up with greatness, but it won't change anything for me.

Fair point - i don't have high hopes for this film given Snyder's involvement but let's see
Re: The Man of Steel

Like I said in the Dark Knight Rises thread, Snyder is in a tough position with this new Superman gig.

If it's good, fans will all say it's greatness came from Nolan himself. If it's awful they won't think twice of blaming and spouting ____ in Snyder's direction.

I wouldn't want to be in his shoes. It'll be damned if you do, damned if you don't. I'm sure there's alot of weight on his shoulders.
Re: The Man of Steel

Like I said in the Dark Knight Rises thread, Snyder is in a tough position with this new Superman gig.

If it's good, fans will all say it's greatness came from Nolan himself. If it's awful they won't think twice of blaming and spouting ____ in Snyder's direction.

I wouldn't want to be in his shoes. It'll be damned if you do, damned if you don't. I'm sure there's alot of weight on his shoulders.

Agree completely. He's seems a tad desperate.
Re: The Man of Steel

As iconic as we all think the Superman theme is, let's be honest it sounds like a lot of what Williams did around that time. There are a lot of common folk who can't tell the first opening bars apart from Star Wars. I remember being in line in Star Tours at WDW and hearing the lady in front of me about 50 say "Why are they playing Superman music here?" when it was the Star Wars theme piping through.

Just like Christopher Reeve in the suit is iconic and memorable for some it'll remain stapled to that timeframe and should do so. I hated Superman Returns for the most part outside of Brandon Routh's casting and never associate the theme with that piece of ____.

Just like I'm glad they didn't contract Elfman to do the Nolan Batman films because Elfman and Burton will be joined together as part of a package, I have absolutely no worries, issues or concerns with Zimmer doing his own thing and leaving Williams to be coupled with Donner. In fact, I prefer it.
Re: The Man of Steel

I associate that theme with the older franchise, and agree it might be better to leave it there and move forward with an entirely new approach to Superman (theme included). Just make sure that you can hum the word "Superman" to the beat of the song, as you can with every memorable Superman song.
Re: The Man of Steel

Nolan Departs "Superman" Reboot
By Garth Franklin
With his concentration on "The Dark Knight Rises" growing with each day, filmmaker Chris Nolan has bowed out of any further creative input on the upcoming "Superman" reboot reports Hitfix.

Nolan's wife and producing partner Emma Thomas brought up how Nolan is so single minded when making a picture it's hard to get him to work on anything else. So now with Zac Snyder on board as director on the "Superman" reboot, Thomas says "we are handing it off to him".

Thomas indicated that Nolan and David Goyer just had an idea they couldn't believe wasn't being explored by Warner Bros. so "they brought it to an appropriate screenplay and it's now Snyder's picture".

Meanwhile composer Hans Zimmer tells NBC that he will be scoring the Superman reboot. Zimmer's works include "Inception," "Sherlock Holmes," "Gladiator" and both of Nolan's "Batman" movies.