Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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I don't think I managed to fit 100+ pages of disrespect for Prometheus into that film's thread, although I certainly could have - it was just that level of bad.

One thing stoking the fire over there were the extreme personal attacks used by many respondents to that thread toward anyone disagreeing with their Grail Idea that the film was basically perfect - to disagree with them was a PERSONAL INSULT to them. It was silly and not at all conducive to civilized discourse.

So no, I don't like that film. But, I don't demand that everyone love the same films that I love, far from it, MoS included. The film is made. Like or do not like, there is no going back.

p.s. anyone trying to drag the Prometheus argument over here will not achieve their goal. Not from me at least.

I'm not trying to drag any particulars of that argument over. I wasn't even involved, just I seemed to remember a lot of flaming and your name. They wanted you to GTFO basically over what I presume was repetitive negativity about that film. Which is what you seemed to be taking a swipe at here from those who don't like or have problems with MOS. It seemed like a pot/kettle thing to me. Perhaps I'm misreading.
No its not pot/kettle, because had I used the tactics used in that thread by my respondents, I would be telling people who disliked MoS that they were personally foul, hateful people who were probably child molesters and also raised by demons to boot! They were born in Wrongville of two b@stard inbred cousins built of sheer wrong!! Plus their mother/sister/girlfriend [insert stupid/hateful gif here]......

Oh, trust me. My comments here are not even in the same universe as those thrown at me over there. :wink1:

EDIT: People who dislike MoS are of differing opinions and the world will keep turning 'round. I don't take it personally.
It really is odd that people stay in posts for weeks for movies they claim to "hate" or that a movie "sucks". Its one thing to discuss something you like and ways to improve it, but we've got people that just go from "the big argument" to the next.

Why here? Why not go to a sporting team website you can't stand and post about how terrible that team is?

I know what you're thinking, someone would have to be a lifeless ****tard to go post day after day, week after week, month after month about a team they don't like when you could spend that time discussing the team you like on their posts... but thats what we have here. :lol
I love talking about movies. Good or bad. This is the only movie that gets a discussion going like everyday.

I tried staying in the thread of the movie I liked, but that got turned into a "**** THIS MOVIE" fest pretty quick.

It'll only turn that way here if people lack tact.
I love the hyperbole that's going on in this thread about the people that "HATED" this movie. These phantom creatures that come in looking to cause trouble everyday (has the movie even been out a month) and put the movie and it's fans down.


It's got a tinge of "complainers complaining about complainers" syndrome to it. I LIKE IT!
The movie was "GOOD"..
It's just a movie.
Like many movies, it's not perfect, if you want to analyze the hell out of it.'s just a movie. Didn't like it? Oh well, you're in luck because there is 50 more movies coming out by the end of the year. Try one of those.

I like to argue on these forums too, here and there about things, nit pick, analyze, but then I move on.
It really is odd that people stay in posts for weeks for movies they claim to "hate" or that a movie "sucks"

OK but that's one of the very things people were saying about Ramatuelle in the Prometheus addition to the insults, (she's right about that).

I love talking about movies. Good or bad. This is the only movie that gets a discussion going like everyday.

I tried staying in the thread of the movie I liked, but that got turned into a "**** THIS MOVIE" fest pretty quick.

It'll only turn that way here if people lack tact.

......Into Darkness thread? :lol
Good for you. But I don't think this movie was good, I think there are things that make it incredibly disturbing, even as a "movie" and I feel like those things make for interesting discussions.

That's why we're here. I don't get it.
I love the hyperbole that's going on in this thread about the people that "HATED" this movie. These phantom creatures that come in looking to cause trouble everyday (has the movie even been out a month) and put the movie and it's fans down.


It's got a tinge of "complainers complaining about complainers" syndrome to it. I LIKE IT!

You just can't win in these movie threads. It was like this on every other major thread. You simply can't dislike a movie and try to discuss it's flaws in this forum. I am a huge IM fan but I couldn't even whisper a complaint about IM3 without having others gang up on me and try to shoot me (and others agreeing with me) down.
To be fair, everybody here has been utterly civilized and have kept the trolling to a tasteful minimum, I have zero complains about the people I've argued against or this thread for that matter.

Personally I've debated for the sole purpose of deepening my understanding of this movie.
You just can't win in these movie threads. It was like this on every other major thread. You simply can't dislike a movie and try to discuss it's flaws in this forum. I am a huge IM fan but I couldn't even whisper a complaint about IM3 without having others gang up on me and try to shoot me (and others agreeing with me) down.

I think the best idea you had in teh IM3 thread was seperating into pro vs con threads. I'd love to see that and infractions get imposed, I have a feeling alot of people would be posting less.
I never had a problem, but I'm always going to shoot down any Mandarin complaint, because that means nothing. :lol

I can respect your position of judging films purely on movie merits...though admittedly I can't fully do the same. I can't help but get wrapped up in nerd fanboy issues in something that I'm a big follower of like Star Trek. As you found out in the STID thread. I expect if I was a big Iron Man fan I'd have been totally pissed off about Mandarin aswell.
The thing i find funny is many of the "haters" have paid to see it more times than some who liked it :lol

:lecture :exactly:



To be fair, everybody here has been utterly civilized and have kept the trolling to a tasteful minimum, I have zero complains about the people I've argued against or this thread for that matter.

Personally I've debated for the sole purpose of deepening my understanding of this movie.

Well said

Yeah well, MOS was that level of bad, for me.

You'll lose serious cinema nerd points if you're gonna claim MOS is "the same level of bad" as PROMETHEUS.

Both have their flaws, but the latter is already infamous in that regard, and is handicapped by a script that is as dumb as they come. The only huge movie this Summer that's comparable is STID.
I think the best idea you had in teh IM3 thread was seperating into pro vs con threads. I'd love to see that and infractions get imposed, I have a feeling alot of people would be posting less.

I don't know man, I like to hear opinions opposite to mines, sometimes they change my mind sometimes they re enforce my initial opinion, isn't that why these are called "discussion boards"?